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"It was a nice Sunday morning. I and my sister, Petunia were watering the plants in the garden, when our mother called us in for breakfast. It seemed like a perfectly normal day, until we heard an owl hoot and peck thrice on the front door.

It was really weird, as there are hardly any owls in Cokeworth during daytime. We didn't really know what to do so we continued with our breakfast, ignoring it. It hooted again, but this time from the dining room window. My father who became a bit impatient, opened the window to let the owl in.

It was a beautiful little brown owl who was carrying an envelope. It swooped inside and dropped it on the table. We were too amazed to speak. Petunia took the letter and said that it was for me, and read out:

 Petunia took the letter and said that it was for me, and read out:

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'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry?', asked my mother.

None of us had ever heard of it. The owl would not go away, so we decided to let it stay. We set aside the matter for a bit as it was too overwhelming for us.

'School of witchcraft and wizardry....', I said to Petunia while taking a stroll through the garden. She was acting a little funny, since after she read out the letter.

'Sounds pretty fun', I said.

'A school for practising magic. I'd love to go there. It'll be more exciting than the school we go to anyway.'

Petunia stopped abruptly and gave me a hard shove.

'YOU'RE A FREAK, LILY!' She snapped.

I was quite taken aback by her sudden reaction.

'Freaks?', said a voice behind us.

I turned around to see our pale, greasy haired neighbour, Severus Snape. He was the same age as mine.

'Who are you calling a freak, eh?', he said.

'You are just jealous that she is gifted, unlike you.'

'Gifted?', I repeated.

'Yes, of course. You are a witch. That means you can do magic. Here, look:'.

From the ground, he picked up a small flower bud. He stretched out his hand, and the bud started hovering above his palm and flew into mine and settled there. My fingers enclosed the bud, and when I opened them, it had bloomed.

By this time, Petunia was quite startled seeing that I was not the only one who could do magic.
She turned and ran away inside the house, eyes brimming with angry tears, mixed with an expression of envy and hatred.

I told Severus that I will talk to him later, and ran after Petunia, following her inside the house.

She went inside and told mother about what happened and started crying. Mother was explaining her that people can be different and there is nothing to be jealous about it, when there was a loud crack and the doorbell rang.

My father had already gone off to work, so only three of us were home. Mum went and opened the door. Outside, stood a really old man with very long hair and beard. He wore half moon glasses and had a very wrinkly face."

"Wait! Is it THE Albus Dumbledore?!", interrupted James.

"Yes. Please let me continue!"

Mother let him inside and for such an old man as him, one would think he was very young, by the way he walked and acted. And his voice did not seem very old either.

'Good afternoon everyone, my name is Albus Dumbledore', he introduced himself.

'I am the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

And then he explained everything to us about the Wizarding world, and the school. He also told us how I could gather all my school necessities from this place called Diagon Alley. He also gave me a bag of galleons for purchasing them.

So, like a week later we went to Diagon Alley, following the professor's directions. It was a really fascinating place for me. It had so many magical stuff! And the food! They're so different! I really liked that experience!

Petunia didn't come with us though. She said she didn't want to go to a place full of freaks. We did not force her either.

Today we were so excited that I was going to Hogwarts. My parents congratulated me and I was so happy! Petunia wished me luck too, and said that she was going to miss me. I told her the same and boarded the train.

So, that's it. Now what about you Sirius? How was your day, when you got your letter?"

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