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James and Sirius were still asleep, when Lupin woke them up.

"Hey! It's time! Its our first day! WAKE UP! Hurry, we have to go downstairs and have our breakfast. We shouldn't be late on our first day of school!"

"Huh? Let me sleep Remus! It's 7 A.M. for Merlin's sake!" exclaimed Sirius.

James was still asleep. He didn't even move.

"Yeah! And our first period starts at 8. Ughh Okay fine. Do whatever you want. I am leaving. Just don't be late for our first flying class" answered Lupin and shut the door behind him.

Sirius turned towards his left and slept again.


"Good morning class. I am Madam Hooch. I am your flying instructor. Today you all will be practising with the school brooms kept beside you. Everyone should have undivided concentration and focus on the lesson." she stated, with her voice going up and down.

The class consisted of first years of the two rival houses; Griffindor and Slytherin. All of them stood beside their respective brooms and waited for further instruction.

"Now. Stick your right hand over your broom and say 'up' ", said madam Hooch.

Before anyone could say anything, One loud scream suddenly came out of the blue. Everyone looked towards the castle door. Oh who could it be?

"Madam Hooch! Madam Hooch!" Sirius and James shouted in unison.

They came up to where the class was being held and panted heavily.

"Why are you late? Isn't this supposed to be your first day of school? Now you shall proceed with a valid excuse or I shall be bound to give you both detention"

"We are sorry madam Hooch. We slept a little late?"

Everyone started laughing. James's eyes closed upon Lilly. She was standing beside Severus and was laughing too. His temper rose like Dumbledore's beard.

"Then Mr. Black and Mr. Potter , you shall have detention this evening with Mr. Filch by helping him with his work. Understand?"

"Yes madam." They answered.

"Now go and grab your brooms and stand with the others"

The class continued. James was the first one to be able to lift his broom up.

"Of course. He must have been taking lessons from his father!" someone whispered.

Severus was a bit weak but eventually he could lift his broom up too. Just as the class ended, they rushed to join their first Transfiguration class.


Transfiguration class was held in Class 1 on first floor. The Griffindor house walked up the enchanted staircases to their allotted class. Meanwhile James was coming up with a plan to approach Lilly, while Sirius was blabbering what not. Remus was making conversation with the timid boy they met last night, Peter.

The class started soon enough.

"Good morning fellow students. This class consists of both Griffindor and Hufflepuff house. I expect you to obey class rules or else points will be deducted from your respective houses.

Today we shall learn theoretically about the....."

James was staring at Lily. He couldn't grasp the idea that Lily would have fun with a 'greasel' but not him. His head was pounding with the thought that he became a laughing object to her in the first day of school. So he thought of pranking 'someone' to lessen his temper.

"Hey Sirius! Sirius!"

"Yeah what?"

"Up for pranking SNOOPY SNAPE?"

"I hear the word 'pranking' and not even He Who Must Not Be Named can stop me from doing it. I have a great plan. Listen."

He started drawing on a parchment and making James understand what they had to do to fool Severus.

"What are they up to?" whispered Peter.

"Merlin forbid. They are going to get in trouble again!"replied Remus.

"Mr. Black. Can you amuse the class as to what deviant art you are attempting to draw on that poor parchment?", said professor Mcgonagall.

"Professor, I'm sorry. But this drawing is supposed to be a masterpiece and I'm sure that everybody present here are aware that masterpieces are not shown before they are completed. That would lessen the value of it. " replied Sirius.

"Oh that is impressive. Then I presume that your 'masterpiece' will be completed by this weekend and you can then show it to all of us on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock . If not, then you and your beloved friend, Mr. Potter shall spend that afternoon sitting for detention with me."

She paused for a moment. A drop of sweat with tension dropped down from both of the accused' temples.

"And for drawing 'your masterpiece' in between your Transfiguration class, ten points each is deducted from your house. "

Much to the two friends' relief, the bell rang and they were relieved to avoid any more criticism.

While the three boys were walking towards the great hall to have their lunch, and Peter was scurrying behind Remus, Lily came along and ran in order to catch up to Remus.

"Hey Remus. Could you help me with the Transfiguration Homework after lunch? I'm having doubts with it."

"Yeah sure why not?" Replied Remus.

"Oh Lily! Don't be silly! We have to submit our homeworks after the weekend. It's our first day! Why would you waste your time by doing it today? Come play with us!" interrupted James.

"James! Stop flattering yourself so much! You already have detention with Mr. Filch this evening. How can you possibly have time to play? I would rather tell you to gulp in some peanuts to refresh your memory"


THE MARAUDERSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें