6. Nightmare

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"Hello Mr. Malhotra, nice to meet you
" Ansh, who was coming out after meeting doctor noticed Manik and wished. Manik smiled at him.

"Hello Mr. Murthy. Nice to meet you too. How's NM now?" Manik asked.

"She's fine. Resting. Come, I'll show you the way to her room." Ansh said giving him smile. Manik nodded and walked with him.

They entered inside her room and Ansh spoke-

"Nandi, look someone is here to meet you." Nandini opened her eyes and looked at him. Then her eyes fell on Manik who was standing beside him. Manik gave her faint smile and greeted.

"Hello NM, how are you doing now?" Nandini gave him faint smile and replied.

"I'm fine, Mr. Malhotra. Thank you." Manik nodded at her smiling.

"But what happened to you suddenly. You were fine till yesterday noon, right?" Manik asked. Ansh looked at her who avoided his gaze.

"It's because of weakness and workload. My blood pressure dropped." She faked a reason.

"Ohh. Take care. And I wanted to apologize to you." Manik said with a guilt. Ansh frowned but kept mum.

"Apologize? For what?" Nandini asked  all confused.

"Uhm, yesterday in office, I got angry at you. Sorry for that. I have temper issues but I dint mean to hurt you." Manik apologized sincerely. Nandini smiled at him. Ansh looked shock.

She's smiling at Manik though he got angry at her yesterday and on the top of that she's giving him a smile. A SMILE!!!

"That's completely alright Mr. Malhotra. I understand. You weren't wrong but I was." She replied calmly. Manik nodded in no.

"You helped her so much. She met me in corridor. Her father is admitted over here only. She only told me. Otherwise I thought-" realising what he was going to say, he smiled sheepishly rubbing the side of his neck. Seeing his cute antic Nandini chuckled. Both Ansh and Manik looked at her surprised. The NM chuckled.

"You are behaving all cute Mr. Malhotra. Just like a kid." She said shaking her head. Manik made face. Ansh was looking at them all amused.

"Call me anything NM but cute! I have such a hot, dashing, cool personality. Girls die for my one look and here you are insulting me calling cute. Not fair." Manik said dramatically to which Nandini raised her brow at him while Ansh chuckled.

"Acting all dramebaaz, are we?" Manik grinned at her.

"By the way, you were thinking right. I'm heartless." Nandini confessed calmly looking at him. He stared at her seriously.

"No, you aren't. I'm sorry for my harsh words. I mean.. I shouldn't have brought your parents in between. I- I don't know, I just lost it seeing you behaving so coldly and calm in that situation." Nandini's face turned blank. Both Manik and Ansh noticed it.

"We should always keep personal and professional life different." Nandini voiced out her thought. Manik nodded at her.

"I guess, I should leave now. You need to take rest." He said looking at her. She nodded.

"Take care. And get well soon." Nandini nodded while replying.

"Thank you, Mr. Malho-"

"Ah- Can you please, call me Manik? I mean we are almost of same age and also I feel too old hearing Mr. Malhotra." Manik said frowning.


"Please, I insist." He pleaded. Nandini sighed in defeat.


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