Chapter 9

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Recap: Hello Love

Chapter 9

I turned to face who it is and there sitting in all is glory is who I assume to be klaus. What news travels fast through this small pathetic excuse of a town. He was actually pretty hot. He had a nice sharp jaw, kissable pink lips, curly blondish- brown hair and eyes that literally melt you. How come all evil guys are hot. "Sky?" Asked Damon, "What already forgotten your good ole sister Day" I asked in a reading tone giving him the look to act human in front me, he sniffed the air inconspicuously and moved in human space to hug me. It felt nice to be hugged by brother after such a long time. I turn around out of Damon's embrace to be greeted by Klaus. "Hello Love" he says grinning and kissing my hand. The moment he kisses my hand sparks explode, he tenses and stiffens his posture putting on a fake smile. "I best be on my way then Damon" He says politely to Damon before briskly walking out of the house shutting the door on his way out. "Explain?" I ask in a stern tone referring to the original in my living room. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Damon asks cockily with an arrogant smirk plastered across his face. I cocked my eyebrow at him and smirked, "if you explain I will" I said trying to persuade him to take me up on my offer as I was curious to know what happened while I was away.

Klaus' POV

How! how could I find her here at this time! Sure it would've been fine if I found her last year but not this year she'll hate me. She so beautiful with the cute accent and her beautiful eyes and face and the cute look she had one her face when she looked at me. But how can she be related to those Salvatores, my mate is perfect but how am I to keep her happy and safe not mention after everything I have done. She smells human but is the sister of the Salvatores'

"Nik I'm bored" said Rebekah is an extremely annoying voice she seemed to have adapted ever since joining the stupid school.

Sky's POV

"After you left sky the originals showed up. He was here right now negotiating a deal on the doppelgänger" Damon elaborated on the issue at hand. "Since I kept my side of the bargain, now keep yours" he said smirking. I told him my story and toward the end he started getting angry as his brotherly overprotective instincts kicked in when he found out that Gabe was coming to Mystic Falls

"So Day can he stay here pleeeaaaasssseee!" I said pouting knowing that he will cave as soon as I put on the puppy dog eyes and he did.

Next Day

I go down to the basement to fetch some vervain to drink as I would not want to be burned by only to be greeted with a horrible sight lying in front of me.


Horrid chapter I do know but please vote comment. I will try and post a chappie tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday one or more on each day but I will not b able to after that as I am going on holidays in feb or the end of jan next year

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