Chapter 6

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Sky's POV

I couldn't but feel a little bad, I mean I have had fights with Stefan and Damon but normally when they are this bad something bad always happens. The last fight I had with Stefan was about his ripper side, I was trying to persuade him to become less violent towards the humans and to turn in his humanity. Unfortunately our fight ended up being so bad that I we didn't speak to each other for a couple of decades, and by then Stefan had turned on his humanity but Damon had turned his off. A very eventful century, trust me what I saw in that century throughly shocked me and not only that scarred me both mentally and physically, well not so much physically but you get the gist. I was deep in thought about my current situation that I didn't even realize that the sun had gone down. I checked my phone to see what time it is, and then I saw the amount of missed calls and messages from Stefan and Damon. I decided to go home and sort this out before it got out of proportion.

When in got home, I was bombarded by questions and apologies from Stefan and Damon. They speak a lot. "I'm sooooo sorry Sky, we didn't mean to hurt you we were just trying to protect you" said Stefan, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. While Damon the other hand, sat there on the couch staring blankly at the fire with bourbon in his hand. "Damon!" Stefan whispered yelled at at him. I mean what was his problem he was not hurt here I was. I start walking upstairs. When I hear,"I am throughly sorry Skylar." That was Damon mumbling, I turned around and he was in his same position. I don't think he wanted me to hear that nor did he know that I did.

I start walking back up the stairs to my room. "So that's it? You are not going to say anything? I apologized, I meant it Skylar, What else do you want? " Stefan yelled at me angrily, "Do you want me to go on my knees and beg, what do want me to do Skylar?" he angrily pleaded. "Do you want to know what I want Stefan, do you really want to know? I want my family not hide things, I want my family to trust me not to assume and presume things. Do you know what if the only two people loved and trusted lied to you, hide things from, you looked straight in the eye and deceived you huh, how would you feel?" yelled at him. His eyes softened and he started stuttering, I lowered my voice to close to a whisper and said "Do you know the promise we made in 1865 Stefan, you and Damon just broke that." There was silence throughout the room. "I will leave to Rome in the morning, I shall return once I am not upset with you" I said in a stern voice. This had brought Damon out of his trance. His eyes looked guilty as he opened his mouth to say something but soon closed it.

"Sky you can't do this" Elena had broke the silence I didn't even realize she was here. This for some reason angered me. She looked at me with such disgust. I started climbing down the stairs glaring at her with hate. "Humor me tell me why can't I?" I said smirking. "You can't because they are your brothers, you have no right!" She yelled and by this point I was fuming. Who the hell did she think she was! "I'm sorry but did you think because you and Stefan are going out you can act as if you were part of this family? Did you for one second think that you could waltz in here thinking you can interfere in family matters? Do you think that you can yell a couple of words and I would comply? Well dear Elena, you are very mistaken" I said with every question getting louder and then my voice went back to normal and I started smiling as I said the last sentence. "They are not even your real family, your real family is dead." She said. I turned around to face her and within a split second I was holding her by her throat against the wall "repeat that I dare you" I yelled. There was silence I could feel Stefan and Damkn watching me. " Elena you are lucky today as Stefan is my brother and I shall be so kind as to not rip his girlfriends throat right in front of him as it will hurt him, but cross my path again and you shall find yourself begging to be killed and that is not a threat but a promise. Now one more thing why are all the doppleganger such bitches. I mean I can tolerate Katerina and Tatia but you dear Elena have made it nearly impossible to like you. Though I have just noticed something all you doppelgänger are all manipulative bitches. Remember what I said Elena" I said smiling by now Stefan and Damon were trying to get me to stop chocking Elena. Well Stefan mainly Damon seemed most tickled by the fact that I had just told off Elena.

"Bye Bye boys, I will see you soon hopefully and maybe by then your lovely girlfriend will be gone" I said. Damon obviously started laughing and agreed with me. With that I bid them a due.


Hey guys sorry bout the late update but I really like this chap anyways will update soon because of the cool update of wattpad. Vote comment and fan and tell ur peeps. Tell me if the chaps are too short or how I could improve luv hearing feedback soooo yea

Have nice life peace out

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