EXTRA : Identity Crisis

Start from the beginning

I eyed them with distaste and said nothing.

“Hey, I’m talking to you,” he sneered.

It angered me to see such an expression with that familiar blue costume. I clenched my fists and walked away. The teenager cursed after me but did not follow. Good decision.

Initially I thought participating in a Super Storm Look-Alike Contest would be hilarious. But now that I stood with a horde of people dressed like Storm but behaving absolutely nothing like him – it made me furious.

“Hey, Shorty, you really have the guts to show up here,” I heard someone say. I looked over to find two boys towering over a short skinny kid. “You’re so tiny Gravel won’t even be able to see you!” they burst into laughter.

What the fuck?

I was about to go over and show them what happened when Gravel saw someone, when the shorter kid stood up straighter and said, “I may be short, but I’m not a bully. You don’t deserve to wear Super Storm’s costume!”

“You little –” the bully raised his fist, but the ground at his feet dipped a little and he fell forward on his face. Seeing his chance, the shorter one ran away.

I was really getting mad!

The assholes in the hall were saved by the organizers who led us into the auditorium and told us the rules. We basically had to go up on stage and do a two-minute impression of Storm.

My anger was quick to die out as I watched those idiots walk up on stage and say the most ridiculous shit ever –

“Gravel, put your hands in the air!”

“Surrender now, Gravel, and your life will be spared!”

“I’m Super Storm and I’m here to kick your ass, Gravel, and save the day!”

“No more games, Gravel, you’ve messed with the wrong guy!”

Seriously, the amount of times my name was brought up in Storm’s Look-Alike Contest was insane. I never knew I was that closely associated with him (lol wink wink).

“Gravel,” the one on the stage spoke up and he was the first one who wasn’t yelling like a maniac, “you’re a major pain in the ass. Do you wanna go get coffee sometimes?”

I choked on my saliva.

The crowed boo-ed. Idiots! This person was the closest to the real deal, I thought as I laughed and clapped my hands.

The organizers were also outraged by such a show and made the guy leave the stage.

After two more idiots yapping ridiculous shit, it was my turn.

I walked up to the centre of the stage, casually yet confidently. “Seriously, Gravel,” I began in an irritated voice, “it’s Friday night. I was in the middle of an orgasm.”

There was pin drop silence in the auditorium.

In all truth, Storm would never ever ever say that but I thought it would be fucking hilarious!

“Really? Super Storm getting laid?” a voice broke in. “Who would’ve thought?”

The audience collectively gasped as someone walked up on stage, wearing my costume, and yes by my I mean, Gravel’s costume.


The figure came to a halt in front of me and folded his hands over his chest. “What?” He chuckled. “Touchy topic?”

I knew that voice. That son of a –

I regained my composure and said, “No, I was just thinking how it’s rich coming from you, Gravel. Who’s the one causing unnecessary havoc on a Friday night because he’s sad and lonely? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re pining for my attention.”

Damn I was roasting myself and that shit hurt!

“Pfft, you’re not my type,” ‘Gravel’ replied.

There was an eerie silence draped over the audience.

I ignored his response and took a confident step towards him. “We both know how this is going to end, Gravel. So why don’t you save yourself some trouble and surrender on your own?”

He pretended to think. “Hmm but I don’t want to go to jail. How ‘bout a threesome instead?” he added.

I wanted to counter with ‘But I thought I wasn’t your type?’ but I was playing Super Storm at the moment and by this time his patience of dealing with Gravel’s bullshit would’ve run out. So I said, “Okay we’re done here” and ran and tackled him to the ground.

“That was fun,” Aspen whispered from below me.

I snorted.

I got to my feet and held out a hand to help ‘Gravel’ up. With interlaced hands, we bowed before the audience.

Only one person clapped. As I said – IDIOTS!

The moment we stepped down the stage, a volunteer came to tell me I was disqualified for using a prop.

“Thanks for nothing, Aspen, I just lost five thousand bucks,” I hissed as I made my way to my car, Aspen following close behind, still in his full Gravel outfit.

“Who’s Aspen?” he said. He turned to face me and started walking backwards beside me. “Is he the person you were having sex with? Hmm… you really should’ve taken up on the threesome offer,” he sighed dramatically.

“You are most welcome to go fuck yourself,” I grunted. I was really proud of the reply lol.

Aspen burst into laughter, breaking character.

I ignored him and kept walking.

Aspen grabbed my wrist and forced me to a halt. He threw his arms around my neck, making me look at him. “How dare you steal my costume?” he said seriously but I could tell he was smiling under the mask.

“How dare you steal mine?” I countered.

“You stole mine first.”

“Only because you didn’t let me borrow it.”

Aspen sighed. “In any case,” he lowered his voice, “does it mean I get to take it off of you now?”

I caught his hands and pulled out of his hold. “No,” I said, then turned around and walked away.

“Come on, Storm,” Aspen called after me.

“No, Gravel, go fuck yourself!”

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