When I got inside the mansion looked terrible. Floor boards were broken in half, wallpaper pieces scattered the floor, and jumbled words covered whatever had not been blown away. The scene was shocking by just thinking of what kind of force it would have taken to do such damage.

        I was soon knocked out of my state of shock by a loud slam coming from the basement followed by a loud gag and cough. I quickly made my way down the stairs in hopes that I found Jeff alive and (y/n) either dead or back to normal. 

        When I had finally made my way to the bottom of the stairs, I saw something that scared me, and it takes a lot to scare me....

        On top of Smiley's operation table was a beast hunched over. Long razor sharp claws that shined in what little light shone in the room, long mangled (h/c) that went in all directions, bright crimson eyes that would shine through any darkness, large white fangs that sent chills down my spine thinking of that ripping through flesh, and a pair of (favorite animal ears) and a matching (favorite animal tail). I couldn't believe the creature that was in front of me. Soon, I was snapped out of my shock and brought back into reality by a scratchy voice calling out my name. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Jeff, sprawled out on the ground, soaked in blood, and injured with his hand reached out to me. I quickly made my way over to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lifted him off of the ground, keeping my eye on the beast. 

        While I was trying to carry Jeff up the stairs the beast let out an ear piercing shriek and jumped at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up at me, and showing its bright white fangs. I quickly picked Jeff up bridal style and dashed my way up the stairs. When the beast saw me run, it let out another ear piercing shriek, and began to chase after me. I was slowly beginning to panic and began to yell out " (y/n)! If you can hear me! Please wake up!!!!! PLEASE"!!!!!

                                                        *(y/n)'s Point of View*

        I didn't like the fact that if I did accept the deal with Zalgo that I would have to become a serial killer, and hurt so many innocent people in the process. I looked at Zalgo, his hollow eyes sending chills down my spine but, I asked with a serious look on my face. " Is there anything that I should know about that will happen when I accept your deal"? Zalgo gave me a soft smirk and said " I will be honest with you because I like you. When and if you accept my deal, you will turn into your pasta form, you will go on a rampage for about a good 30 minutes so your body can adjust, and afterwards after your body rests, you will be a regular Pasta". 

        Hearing this took away some of the fear that I felt. I thought I was going to permanently become a terrifying monster. I looked at Zalgo and slowly extended my hand out to him, he gave me a soft hand and gripped my hand tightly, and shook it hard once. 

        When Zalgo grabbed my hand, an ice cold chill shot up my spine, soon after an incredible heat filled my body, and caused me to let out a pain filled scream. The feeling was so painful. It felt like my skin was being pricked by thousands of needles over and over again and it was killing me. Zalgo was standing in front of me, arms crossed, and a large toothy grin painted on his face. Soon, the pain faded and my whole body was numb but, when I looked down at my hands, I didn't have nails, instead I had long razor sharp claws. My body began to tremble as I looked up at Zalgo and asked " what did you do to me"?! Zalgo squatted down in front of me and said " Brought out the demon side of you. Now, let the 30 minutes of rampaging begin". After he said that, everything went black. I couldn't see, smell, or hear anything that was going on. I felt like I was frozen in place and couldn't do anything. I also had to feel like this for 30 minutes...this was going to be the worst 30 minutes of my life...I just hope no one gets hurt in the process....

                                                        *Third Person Point of View*

        Laughing Jack was still running through the labyrinth of hallways in the mansion, dodging the wild swings of (y/n)'s claws, and trying to figure out a way to snap her out of this crazed state. (y/n) was already 20 minutes in by this point and only had 10 left to go but, that meant 10 more minutes of non-stop running for poor jack.

        Jack soon found a way to hide from (y/n). He used what little energy he had left to gather up all of his energy and sprint far ahead of the Pasta (y/n) and leaped into his room and quickly pressed against the door. He quickly managed to catch his breath and when he did, he held it in and kept his hand over Jeff's mouth to keep him silent. He soon heard (y/n) slamming through the halls trying to find him, Jack crossed his fingers that she couldn't find him, and he kept checking to see how Jeff was doing as well. 

        (Y/n) had five minutes left and she was beginning to slowly wind down. She was no longer running but, staggering through the halls, accidentally falling against the wall, and letting out soft groans of pain. Jack heard this and quietly peaked out the door and what he saw sent a wave of relief over him.

        He saw the monster before him begin to slowly return back to the regular (y/n) that he knew. He slowly walked out of the room and made his way over to (y/n) but, when he got beside her, he saw something that made his heart stop.

        Her beautiful shining (e/c) orbs were no longer there and streams of blood were slowly dripping down, and her mouth was also dripping streams of blood. Laughing Jack's body began to tremble and he also fell to the floor, dropping Jeff beside him, and gripping onto his hair, pulling it tightly. While sitting on the floor, staring at the floor in fear, and shaking like a leaf,  he said out loud "She made a deal with Zalgo....she made the mistake we all did...(Y/n)...is a pasta"!

( Ahhhh :3 Were you guys excited about this chapter? :3 I knew some of you were :3 Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I shall start typing next chapter soon. I may not be able to post tomorrow because I have some cakes to bake and I might not be able to Thursday either but, I will do whatever I can to bring you guys the happiness that you get from reading this story. :3 Well, I will see you guys whenever :3 Thank you for voting, commenting, reading, and following :) See you later Love Natsu )


You Can't Escape...(Jeff the Killer x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें