Chapter 1: Introductions

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Hello there dearest reader, and welcome to Earth, well... it's not your earth it's a different earth, one where, anthropomorphic animals walk among humans, to put it bluntly. Any species of creature that has ever roamed this earth has an anthropomorphic descendant. Its.. interesting, to say the least, to be walking down a street and see two huge bunny ears sticking above the crowd or... a person in a nice suit walking past, talking on the phone, and as they open their mouths a small snake tongue comes flickering out, well, it would be interesting for us, but perfectly normal for these people...

Anthros, (the slang name given to anthropomorphic animals) are... sometimes discriminated against, because there are significantly less of them then there are of pure humans, it doesn't happen that often though, it more depends on where you are and what species you are, because if your an eagle in america you'll obviously be treated very well..
But if you're a bat in China for example, you'll be... well.. you'll be bullied by the younger humans, even though one of the, if not the biggest entrepreneur in Asia is a bat anthro.

Anthros are, slightly, but drastically different than humans, in looks i mean. Anthros will, more often than not have naturally bright or oddly coloured hair, there are some rare cases where they have like... ginger hair or black hair or whatever, but usually they'll have purple hair, red hair, green hair, white hair, you get the idea.
Some anthros will be more animal than human or more human than animal, for example, you could be a really intense bird anthro and have feathers for hair, or you're a dog or cat or something could have a tail, whereas other anthros, will be more human than animal, and the only way to tell, would be the age at which they grow bodily hair, because, without exceptions, anthros will grow start hair on their body at the age of 7-10, rather than the normal 13-16.
So, if your child is anthro but doesn't have ears or funky hair, this is going to be the way you tell, because otherwise well... they're human.

Anthros will normally come from anthro parents, although, normal genetics still apply like...
If your mom is anthro and your dad is human, its basically a 70/30 chance that their child is going to be anthro, 70 because, there are waaaay more humans than anthros.
And if both your parents are anthro then theres a 50/50 chance your gonna be anthro.

So yea, now that you've been introduced to the world our story is taking place and have a general knowledge of anthro biology, I've been your funky narrator person, the rest of this book will take place in povs, well.. depending on what my author does with this book he might need me ag- "ARE YOU BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL AGAIN" no... i was just "OH MY GOD, THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR GETTING A NARRATOR OFF FIVERR" i- "YKNOW WHAT?? DOSENT MATTER, THIS IS THE BEST TAKE WE'VE GOTTEN SO FAR, ENJOY THE BOOK"
*IN BACKGROUND* "you are getting a two star review"
"you get an extra one because your cute, now get out"

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Freddy's pov:

I sat in my bedroom, pouring over my schoolbooks, just like I have been doing every day for what feels like millennia, my fingers had permanent grooves in them, due to my pen being in my hand for so long.

This wasn't my choice of course, mother and father are extremely strict about schoolwork, they nag me every day and never let me leave the house, unless they accompany me or it's school related, although oddly enough, I was never permitted to partake in sports day. Each and every single time I requested permission to leave the home and stretch my legs, I'd be denied, if I chose to argue, they would completely ignore me for days on end, avoiding eye contact with me and refusing to speak to me unless it was to give out to me.

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