6th ☾ Of Will and Determination

Start from the beginning

"It's a success!" Wilson shouted happily.

I had no idea how stupid I looked. "Shh! You'll wake them up if you shout like that. Especially Bryce!"

When Bryce, my master, woke up, he would start ordering me around. The training he had planned for me, in order to make me the legendary-one-of-a-kind-undeniably-the-best-and-unbeatable-fighter-around, so as he named it, basically included preparing his meals, getting the woods, chopping woods, starting the fire, keeping the fire, fetching water, crossing rivers, going to the woods again, cleaning the camp, and treating me like his personal slave. And yes, there was another addition to the list starting today—going to the market and trading the stolen goods.

We had several newcomers, but Bryce insisted that I continue doing those jobs. He loved making me go up and down the mountain, over and over for the whole day. Sometimes I even asked myself if I was training to be a mountain climber instead of a fighter. I knew everything about the mountains now. I could even go up and down any mountains with my eyes closed, even with hands tied.

Our group had grown in number since the day I had entered. There were now, more or less, twenty people around. But only the original five in our group knew about my true identity. For the newcomers, I was just the leader's personal and favorite slave.

And I also heard that the supposedly greatest group of bandits had alliances in almost every town. They were the ones who also wanted to overthrow the king. I later found out that the main purpose of creating the group of bandits was not only for survival, but it was for regaining back the kingdom that had fallen in the hands of King Henry.

As more people got oppressed by the reigning king, the number of bandits and their alliances increased by the day. There were nights when I wondered if it was the seal that also led me to them, like the way every single one of the bandits found a home in this place.

Yes, speaking of which, outside my tent, I saw my master move to his side again. Any moment soon, Bryce would wake up. I sighed, stretching my arms. "I should go ahead and prepare his meal."

"Okay," Wilson replied, suppressing a yawn. "I'll catch some more sleep."

I nodded, folding my blanket and going out of my tent. Another long day ahead. If only Bryce hadn't discovered my hidden cooking skills, I shouldn't be doing this now. Wilson was a great cook. We all loved his recipes. But Bryce wanted another variation to his usual meals.

Sadly, I couldn't say no to him. It was blackmail. Bryce wouldn't train me if I wouldn't serve him.

At first, I also thought that it was pure luck when he first saved me from the king's royal guards when I was twelve. I mean, look at Bryce. He was a big joke. All he did was lay down on his cot and fool around all day. But whenever our camp was attacked and I saw him fight, I couldn't imagine learning from anyone else. Bryce was a strong and clever fighter, and he knew how to use every single weapon there was.

Wilson told me that Bryce was an orphan who grew up in the streets, and it had taught him everything he needed to know about physical combat. He learned how to survive at such a young age that it became natural for him. He was also the strongest in the group, the one who'd likely win in any duel. That was why everyone respected him. But really, he should refrain from making me a slave. I was just saying; one friendly suggestion from the distressed kitten.

After fifteen minutes of turning from side to side and kicking the blanket over and over, Bryce finally got up. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. I was relieved that I finished his meal on time.

"Miles," he called for me.

Yes, of course, he'd be calling for me.

"Just a minute," I replied, gathering everything in my arms. "Coming."

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