shopping with Travis

Beginne am Anfang

"Wow thanks, sure, i can do that. By the way, i wanted to give you this..."

Carson held a debit card and set of keys in his out stretched hand as i furrowed my brows.

We all (lunch club) put away some money into our joint account every month and we use it to pay for anything lunch club related! So that's anything from new and more filming equipment to any trips we make or buying and furnishing a house for us all to live in. Oh, and here have a pair of house keys and my car keys, its the  sliver BMW X3 parked out front. Its not much but it'll do."

I tried to reject the card but he just threw it at me with a grin before walking away and saying i had no choice but to use it.

I put the card in my wallet  and the keys in my pocket still shocked and overwhelmed by what just happened as Travis stumbled down the stairs to meet me. He had red cheeks and a flustered expression. I was going to ask him what he was doing that put him in that state, but decided against it. Instead i just smiled and lead  Travis to the car.

Noah's pov:

i woke up with the worst hangover, my head hurt, i felt hazy and my limbs felt like weights. It was late morning and the sun was just barely shining through my curtains, i laid in bed for what felt like forever until i decided i needed food. I hoisted myself up and used the closest wall to balance myself. i waddled over to my door and was going to open it until i felt something strange under my foot; it was a piece of paper. I picked it up and left my room to be able to read it in better light.

Good morning Noah!

There's a hangover cure waiting for you in the fridge. I went shopping, i'll bring home  some aspirin for you when i get back. Just survive until then.

the maid, Wilbur

We have a maid? Who is this? I remember someone took are of me last night, but a maid? I had just assumed it was Carson...

I stumbled downstairs to see Carson in the kitchen, he was eating something and scrolling through his phone, probably texting Josh again. I made my way over to the fridge to find a glass with another note laying on top. I pulled it out and read what it had to say.

Two raw eggs.

No, i am not trying to poison you and no, i am not just doing this for shits and giggles, it does actually help.

Don't be a wuss puss, now, drink up!

"mornin', i got some french toast for you here but you can only have some after you follow Wilbur's instructions."

"Who even is this guy?"

"New maid, Wilbur."

I rolled my eyes. Well i already knew that much..

Wilbur's pov:

~time skip~ (again) (they in like a Target? or something i guess? idk)

we had just been in in IKEA and bought a bunch of storage, from cabinets to shelves to a place to store shoes and keys. Travis was having a blast from testing out every piece of furniture he saw and turning into a (rather lousy) salesman and trying to sell several fully furnished kitchens and bedrooms to me. My favorite interaction was when Travis was describing a beautiful rustic kitchen when he forgot the word for Tiling and had to break out of character to ask me what it was.

Right now i was holding a skillet and getting lost in my thoughts before the smaller brunette came veering around the corner with a sparkle in his eyes, bringing me back to reality.

"OhmygoshWilbur! We HAVE to get get these, they're sooooooo cool just look at them!"

Travis was frantically waving five rather large pictures in my face, and i could make them out to be of baby animals, each with a different species. there were  whales, rams, monkeys, dogs and fish.

What in the world? i mean he seems really exited about them, and i'm sure it wouldn't hurt, right? Plus those rams are really heckin' cute, i kinda like the whales too...... well i guess we have to get them now.

"Yeah, we can get them. I don't know where you would want to hang those up tho-"

"AHGAgahahahha! I cant wait to bring these home and show them to Cooper!"

I smiled softly as i put the skillet i was holding into the cart along with the animal portraits.

"Ummm Travis? Would you mind finding an apron, i'm almost done here and once we have that  we can leave. Preferably a darker one so stains are harder to notice."

" Sure thing! I'll be right back, wait here."

I picked out a few more essential cookery tools and continued down the isle, the theme around me had slowly changed into baking. Surprisingly, i remembered seeing a few baking themed items at home so i didn't buy more than some silicone sheets, cookie cutters, a few cake pans and some non stick spray.

When the home doesn't even have as much as a toaster oven, i wonder who living there that has such a sweet hobby. (pun intended)

I guess Travis wasn't joking when he said he'd be back soon because the next time i looked up his face was staring right back at me.

OK , so i know it's probably not ideal but its still pretty good. It's the darkest one i could find and it has really big side pockets so you can carry all your baking weapons and stuff! plus, its kinda cute and i feel like it would look good on you...

The boy then handed me the apron and i let it unfurl in my hands. It was completely black but had a print with small gray hearts all over it and on the breast pocket was a hand stitched embroidery piece of a shiba inu's face. The dog had its tongue sticking out, beige fur and a red collar. As my eyes moved from the apron to the boy in front of me i couldn't help but see the similarities between the two. I nodded in approval and put the item into the cart as i followed Travis to the checkout.

~Time skip~ (again, again)( the boys just went grocery shopping(last shop of the day) and were heading back home)

" I cant believe it! half of what we bought is just snacks! Young man, do you have no impulse control?

" Hahahhahaha  nope... i don't got none o' that stuff. I actually impulse shop quite a lot, and its soooooo easy on the internet too! Like that bed you have in your room used to be mine but at 3 a.m. i decided i needed a new one, so i got the one i have now."

"Huh, ok....good to know."

Mental note: Maybe don't bring Travis next time you have to go shopping....Also, now i know why there are five canvases with baby animal sitting in the back of the car.

Travis turned on the radio and let the sound of some new pop song fill the car. We drove back home in comfortable silence. The only time any one spoke was when the GPS gave me directions.

That didn't last long though since we weren't very far away from home anyways. I soon announced our arrival and got out of the car. I grabbed as many bags as i could at once and waddled over to the front door with Travis in tow. as i unlocked the door and entered i saw Noah and Cooper on the living room couches and asked them to help us unpack. Cooper happily obliged but Noah just groaned and stayed motionless in his position of laying down face first. I guessed he was still hung over so i left him there. Eventually the car was empty and the not-yet-to-be-assembled furniture pieces were all in their respective rooms courtesy of Ted.

Soon enough I was left alone to unpack the groceries and new cooking ware (and eventually build some furniture). Ted had vanished after helping move the boxes, Cooper said he was going to take care of Travis since he felt tired and Noah decided to take a nap not long after i gave him some aspirin.


ok i know this chapter is really shit and legit nothing happens but this chapter just had to happen. (story wise)

don't worry next chapter will be more Schlattbur oriented.

luv u <3

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