I could do nothing but fake smile at him.

So as usual, Yuzu brought me home tonight. Again. I should seriously treat him to something sometime. He's becoming as protective as ever. Except the fact he's being protective of me when he doesn't know that I'm dying.

I shake the thought out of my head as I sit in front of my vanity and take out a medicine bottle from my drawer. It's the only medicine I drink now because I complained to my doctor how I had to drink a sh*t ton of medicines three times a day. You can see the reason why I stopped drinking them. Just. Too many. Nuh-uh. So last time I had a doctor's appointment, which was last month...

"Hey Luna. How are you? Feeling good? No more extreme episodes after training?" He asked me as soon as I entered his office.
"No. Ever since you gave me that one medicine for me to take. I mean. It was not as often when I started training." I explained to him. Yes. I had these episodes where I had to quietly rush to the toilet in the middle of training because I was too tired so my chest kept on tightening and it was becoming hard for me to breath.
"Taking just one medicine is not gonna treat your condition you know that. But you were being hard headed and asked me to prescribe you just one." He replied to me.
"Of course I know that. What's even the point of drinking a ton of them when I'll be leaving soon anyways. I asked you for that one medicine just to tame my episodes." I just smiled at him and scratch my head.
"And I suppose you don't want your family to know about this again." He just looked at me seriously.
"You know me too well doctor" I laughed at him.

-End of Flashback-

So that's that. I still wanna go to the Olympics that's why I asked for this medicine. And so I gulped down the stupid tablet and pushed it down with water.

I was walking towards my bed when my phone lit up from my side table.
Text Message from Yuzu-kun🍯
Hey hime. You still awake?

Hi Yuzu. What is it?

I was wondering if you could come out for a bit? I'm
at the park and I couldn't sleep. I'll be waiting for you. See
ya, Luna-chan.

Okayyy. Omw! See ya.

I got my coat, put my phone in the pocket and left, stopping at the door and shouted "I'll walk for bit! Yuzu's with me so don't worry. Byeee!"
Sky replied and said "Okay! Come back soon its getting late! No funny business!"
I just rolled my eyes while smiling and left for the park.

Yuzu's POV

I don't know why, maybe its because the grand prix season is finally starting, but I just couldn't sleep. Well. That and because Luna has been constantly on my mind. There's no question though. I know I like her. And because she looked excited that we were assigned to the same grand prix assignment, I came up with the genius idea.

Here I am now sitting on a bench in the middle of the park near Luna's house. I saw her walking towards me in her white fluffy coat making her look extra cute.

I stood up, bowed to her jokingly and greeted her. "Well if it isn't her majesty. I hope I didn't bother your beauty sleep?"
"Oh stop Yuzu-kun. I wasn't sleeping yet." She just smiled at me and giggled. Which by the way sounded like music to my ears. "So what's up? Can't sleep?" She continued.

"Kinda. Pre-season jitters I guess.." I trailed off. I looked at her and she was looking at the twinkling stars.

"I get you. That should be no problem for you though, Mr. Olympic Gold. What about me? Its basically my senior debut. You'll be able to get that gold at Rostelecom with no problems."

"Very funny. I'm still struggling with my salchow you know."

"Well besides that, I know you're ready. I really can't wait to watch you perform live Yuzu. I'm lucky we got the same assignments." She smiled and closed her eyes, head still tilted up to the sky.

"Speaking of that. I'm just gonna say this right now Luna." I took a deep breath. "I like you Luna. I know you already know that.."
I notice her tense up a bit before relaxing and looked at me. "And?" She said with her eyes widely opened as if staring into my soul.

"But I feel like as of now, I'm not worthy enough for you." I stared back at her. She just tilted her head in confusion.

"That's why at the Rostelecom Cup, I'll ask you out when I get that gold. For you. Only then can I call myself worthy." I reached for her hand inside the pocket of her coat and breathed on it to make it warm.

Luna just smiled and laughed at me as she held my hand tighter. She then leaned into my shoulder looking up at the sky once again. I asked looked down to her and asked "Is that a deal hime?"

"Its a deal Mr. Olympic Gold."

And with that, we just sat in comfortable silence looking up at the stars that looked like were shining extra bright for us tonight.

Chapter 6 everyone! Grand prix season is coming up! I can't wait to write these parts. What dp you guys think?

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Stay safe always!
Stay golden, lovelies ✨

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