Jade pov

" J that's low you knew he was dating The Kennessy Clifford how dare you" as Louis,Ashton,Perrie and Harry went after Kennessy ever since she came home from the adoption center I hated her mum and dad would always beat her she deserves no mercy I then went up to her room and trying to find what mum wants I look though every drawer to the last one Bingo there it is the gold bracelet and left

Kennessy pov

"Kennessy!" I'm still running this is the first time someone came after me I don't know how much I can run longer I was pulled by Ashton I didn't look at him " Kenn look at me" Ashton pulled my chin up but I still didn't look at him " Kennessy I love you your my one and only yea I have a crush on Jade but she means nothing to me crushes are ment to be crushed love isn't your my everything kennessy I love you since we were 18" (sorry I had to xD #four) I look at Ashton it looks like he was crying "Ashton she ruin my life I can't be near her without something bad happening" I started to cry Ashton pulled me close "baby its alright I'll never leave you for anything in the world" I started to drift off to sleep

Ashton pov

The crazy things I'll do for her who knew I'll fall in love with my best mate's sister I'm going to marry her I know it I hear Kennessy lightly snoring I just love it as I text my friend Taylor and Louis for a blind date for them I text Mickey
Hey pick me and ur sis up at the park in south London -A

It took 2-3 hours when I see Michael and Nickiee pull up I sit in the back with Kennessy just admiring her "you love her don't you?" I hear Michael say " yea I do I wanna marry her mikey I really do" Nickiee was asleep "all I want is for my sister happy and safe and you give her that but you gotta ask my parents I'll text them" I smiled "really" Michael replied "yea your my sister world and she is yours" I then got a call I look at the caller id
Papa Clifford here goes nothing

Once we got back home Kennessy was already up so we went inside Perrie was the first to get up and talk to kennessy " I'm so sorry about Jade by the way im Perrie" I saw Kennessy smile " its alright I dealed with Jade most of my life I'm Kennessy" I then text all the guys and the 1D guys about the talk with dad Clifford and his answer Cat,Perrie and Nickiee drag Kennessy to go shopping. "Okay guys we have at least a few hours lets get everything done" Luke told me "it just feels like yesterday that you gave Kennessy that promise ring" I laughed " that was nearly 2 years ago Luke" I wrote all the notes I posted one everywhere around town when I went to the mall I almost ran into the girls good thing I didn't I already had a ring so I bought a little gray cat and named it princess and put the ring on her collar and ready for show time

Kennessy pov

We got home and the girls probably went to their boyfriends not a surprise and I saw a note

Hey babe looking for me you gotta find me first hint # 1 this thing is the reason were together bye bye -A

Ashton sometimes I looked at my nightstand nope nothing if its not kik then "MICHAEL?!?!" I ran to his room there he was with a note on his shirt I took the note "Michael what is Ashton up to?" Michael replied "I can't say but look at the note"

found hint #2 yay next you gotta find something old and.something like a hair colour bye babe -A Will ___ _____ __ Ashton pulling something I hope its not me I then went to my photo album and found me and Ash when I had pink hair I have red now and I saw another note

Yay you found #3 next its something you begged for me -A Will.You _____ __ I ran to the pet store I asked the the person at the desk with the name of Harry wow everyone had that name wait STYLES fake noose and straight hair cant fool me "is Ashton here Styles?" He replied "no but Ashton got you this and here the note"

like it her name is princess next one is music and mall.bye bye -A Will.You.M____.__

I went to the music store and of course went to greenday I saw my favorite album it had a note.yay you found the.last one this one a.tough one their our neighbors and your bestiee get it ok lame Ashton lame bye babe

I ran to the 1d house Louis answer it "is Ash here?" Louis smiled "yea come with me I'll show you where he is" Louis lead me to the back with big pictures of me and Ash from the tour to moving to London park dates the last one confused me it was a wedding place thing "I don't remember this one" Ashton then wrapped his arms around my waist I turned around "Ashton!" He smiled "turn princess' name tag around" I did what Ash told me
Marry me?

I look closer at the collar a ring I take off the and the ring I saw Ash on one.knee "Kennessy I love you so much your my everything nothing can stop me now be Mrs. Irwin?" I was tearing up "yes Ashton yes I will" he got up and kiss me passionately once we broke the kiss he slipped the ring on me (awww so cute #Kashton anyone else is a Kashton shipper?)

All I herd next was a bunch of awws

and Luke saying "if you'd said no I.would have come and be Dr. Fluke" I laughed " I've been waiting for Ashton to ask but we have to have Taylor swift music unless we have her at the wedding" the 1d boys got offended "what about us" I laughed "yea work at your best friend.wedding day no and Taylor swift music is amazing" (I actually do love her music Out of the woods I love that song my favorite song from 1989 has to be Blank Space)

Ashton rolled his eyes but was surprised " I didn't expect you liking Taylor cos your so punk more punk then all us guys " Louis said " oh god before she was ever into punk she had a desire for Taylor swift she is Kennessy idol" I laughed at Louis " remember for my 16th birthday Taylor swift plus greenday yea never forget and you puked on my pink shirt never again I wore pink clothing"


Its a double party kinda its my album release party and Ash and I are about to announce some interview person said " you have a big announcement Kennessy with your next music video" yes and my new music video comes out less then one minute and its amazing" once the video came out the rumor Is Ashton Irwin and Kennessy Clifford engaged I changed my Twitter name and tweeted to make everything clear @Kenn_Irwinn: I have no idea why I put 2 of the same letter but yes @Ashton5SOS and I are engaged #bringonthehate

Ashton also tweeted @Ashton5SOS: love the new name @Kenn_Irwinn suits you best ;)

I went up to Ashton "it suits me?" Ash then said "I love it because Kennessy Irwin has a ring to it babe"

As the night was getting late Ash and I headed home when we got home we herd my phone ring I didn't recognize the number but Ashton did he took "you got Kennessy phone Ashton speaking" I laughed at Ashton "Ash you dork" Ashton gave me the phone "your dad really want to hear your voice" I put the phone up to my ear "hello?" I herd the voice " Kenbear my only daughter I only met once 20 years ago its nice to hear your voice for the first time darling" I replied "thank you umm... dad" I smiled saying that "well,I'll talk to you soon sweetie I don't wanna keep you up all night" he then hanged up I look at Ashton "I just spoke to my real dad" I started to tear up I always dreamed about it

I guess dreams do come true

Hey my lovely penguins I like writing this book I hope you like reading it byeeee

I'm Michael Clifford Sister?!?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora