Chapter 34

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He turned to me, and the cheerful mask he had been wearing fell. His golden eyes glimmered, heavy with the knowledge that he had played his role, and it was nearing its end.

"Pitch..." I said, hugging him tightly. I leaned my head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart.

"Dawn." He pulled back to look at me. The smile upon his face was remorseful. Resigned. "I cannot remain here much longer."

A small part of my mind knew what he meant. But I couldn't accept it, didn't want to accept it. My heart couldn't take it. "Then let's go back to the Pole."

"No, Dawn, I..." he shook his head, a shaky laugh finding its way past his lips. Tears began to shimmer in his eyes, and I found it increasingly difficult to breathe.

"Can't the Moon save you? You've..." the words caught in my throat. I couldn't finish my sentence, could barely quiet the growing turmoil in my thoughts.

Pitch solemnly shook his head. "The Man in the Moon has already done everything he can. One's soul cannot easily be restored once faded. It takes a sacrifice--and no small one--to restore five."

I felt the streaking of tears down my cheeks, could feel the stinging sensation behind my eyes. I roughly brushed them away with the back of my hand, fighting to remain strong for his sake. "There has to be a way..."

He pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear, cupping my face gently between his trembling hands. "I do not wish to leave you, my dear. But I have no other choice."

"Please Pitch, I can't lose you...not again..." I whimpered. My whole body shivered relentlessly, and a tidal wave of sorrow threatened to wash me away.

A pained expression found its way across his features, and he lowered his gaze. "The world does not need a lost soul such as mine. I have served my purpose." He smiled gently, leaning his forehead into mine. "But you have much more to live for. The children look up to you. You are their wishes, their dreams. You are their faith."

"But I can't...I can't do it without you..." I whispered, reaching out to grasp his hand.

"You already have. Do not be afraid, Dawn. I'll always be with you." He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, and a fresh set of tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Pitch, please...don't go..." I embraced him again, holding him tightly. I clenched the fabric of his robes between my fingers, hoping it might somehow keep him from fading.

He raised my face to his, placing a tender kiss upon my lips. "I love you."

"...I love you," I echoed, barely able to utter the words before my voice fled me.

He stepped back, despite how I tried to hold on. I saw him draw in a breath, fighting the tears that had already consumed me. And with one final final, loving glance...

He vanished.

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