Chapter 2 the human v mrakon war part 1

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The UHF was busy at work and by that a threat of war form the markon and very big race 10 ft on average but they can only have frigates class ships and there fighters are nonexistent lithe UHF had 10 hours to prepare for the war meaning the UHF called a draft now other aliens don't know what a draft is at all so the UHF has the numbers to wage the war the UHFI ( UNITED HUMANITY FEDERATION INTELLIGENCE ) knew where the markons fleet and army would be before the 10 hours were up and thus 1 hour before the war a squadron of Armageddon bombers hit the markon capital city killing 50 thousand markons with 20 type 3013 nuclear warheads as the payload ( fun fact type 3013 warheads pack a explosive yeald of 900 Nagasaki per warhead do the math ) the UHF before WW3 ruined earth for about ten years perinatal strikes out the UHF bread and butter for war

Keep an eye out for part 2

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