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You have to realize that:

Not every promise will last.
Promises are half meant to be broken. If ever someone made promises, expect that out of the blue, it would be broken unexpectedly, and you can't do about it but to accept that promises are already and are meant to be broken.

Not every person will stay.
People are meant to come and leave us - it's a living syndrome we don't like to happen but it's evidently possible. So once people happen to come in your way, cherish the time and moment that you have with them. Expect that they will leave you hanging, but expect as well that new persons will come again to your life. And you'll realize that not everything you lose is a loss, and it's actually a blessing in disguise.

Not every person you love will love you back.
It's normal to a person to feel broken since he loves the person who is also in love with someone else, and the fact that they can't love him back due to some reasons. Not every person who loves gets the love they expect to have. All people have experienced rejection, and it's normal. So don't think that you're the only one who suffers from it, because the truth is everyone experiences rejection.

Life is challenging you.
Problems have been troubling you as you live your life. It seems a trouble to you, but it gives you lesson to learn. No matter how hard the problem is, it has still something to learn from it. There's always a gold to dig on in every problem. Life goes on, and you must go on too.

God loves you.
The fact that you're breathing, it's obvious that God loves you. People may leave you, but God stays and will always stay, and He won't leave you behind. Remember that.

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