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So I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated. The next chapter will be out soon but I do have a reason. My birthday was today so obviously everyone was kinda bugging me about it.

Add that on to school work and it's kinda busy and I don't have a good sleep schedule so add on exhaustion. Not a good combination.

But for my birthday today I got the 2 Maleficent books. For those of you who don't know they go more into detail about Maleficent's past while still following the movies plot.

I have Maleficent and Mistress of Evil and I wanted to know. Should I make a story on were they (Descendants and Maleficent) read the books?

The books would be a bit easier to do since I just read and copy it down but I wanted to see what you guys thought.

The new chapter is going to be out soon I promise thank you guys so much for the comments that keep telling me to update! I know that was weird but here's why I say it.

It shows me that you guys are still intrigued in this story and that I'm not completely wasting my time. And I love the fact that I'm able to do this and make people happy about it.

I honestly doubted if I should keep going with this but when people tell me to update or how much they love the story it gives me motivation to keep writing this and I can't thank you enough!

Also I'm trying to decide which couple to do. Should Maleficent and Hades get back together or should I do the famous Maleficent and Diaval ship? Please comment which one because I have no idea which to do.

I hope you're all staying safe in this rough time I know how it's empacting so many people and the best advice I could give would be to stay inside and wash your hands.

But again thank you so much for the love on this story and stay safe everyone!

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