Chapter Eleven: Promise

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    (If you're enjoying this fic, I highly recommend checking out my fic Royal Chaos!)

    Oh fuck.

    Both Evan's and Connor's jaws dropped. Zoe stuck her nose in the air and turned on her heel, leaving to go back to her cabin.

    Jared stood, trying to form words, "That, uh, that's not-" he tried to say.

    "Save it, Kleinman." Connor said, turning around and storming off into the forest.

    "Jared." Evan choked, tears forming in his eyes. "Why-"

    "No, I swear-" Jared tried to protest. But, like the others, Evan disappeared back into the woods, leaving Jared alone with Alana.

    Jared sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not even sure where to start." He said.

Alana shook her head, "Why do you always end up in these situations?" She asked.

Jared shrugged, "Fuck if I know." He decided to start with Evan. He knew Connor probably was pissed beyond all belief at the moment and wouldn't listen to him, so Jared would give him some time to cool down.

Jared saw Evan take off towards the cabin, so that was where he'd go. "I'll go take to Evan first." He told Alana.

"Yeah, I better go talk to Zoe, it seems she has some stuff going on too." Alana said. "See you later, Jared."

"Bye, 'Lana." Jared called, jogging toward the cabin. What would he say to Evan to make the boy believe he didn't betray him?

Sure enough, Jared found Evan crying on the bed. When he saw Jared enter, he turned away.

"Friends don't do shitty things to each other." Evan said.

"Remember that time you told Zoe that I liked Alana even though I didn't and then Zoe told Alana and I ended up having to go on a date with her?" Jared joked slightly, it was not well received from his audience.

"Ev, I'm not interested in Zoe." Jared told him, sitting on the bed next to him.

"You just kissed her." Evan said dryly.

"No, she kissed me." Jared said, laying back onto the bed. "I haven't told you this yet, but Connor and I are back together."

Evan turned around to stare at Jared, "What, really?" He asked.

Jared raised his eyebrows, "Well at least we were until this happened. Who knows now."

Evan seemed to soften, "It'll be okay, Jared." He laid down next to the boy. "I'm sure everything will turn out fine."

"I don't know, I think our relationship is still pretty fragile from the last break up." Jared laughed. "Not sure if I'm ready for a second break up."

Evan was quiet for a second, "Go on, her out of here, go get him."

Jared gave him a quizzical look, "What?"

"Go talk to Connor." Evan instructed. "Go get him back."

Jared smiled at Evan, "Only if you go talk to Zoe."

Evan made a face at Jared, "Things are... different between Zoe and I right now. One thing I do know though, is that you and Connor still love each other and this is just a big misunderstanding. What's happening between Zoe and I isn't one." Evan sighed. "Go on."

So, Jared pried himself off the bed and left to go find his very upset boyfriend.

    Jared found him where most of the group went when they were upset, the rock. Connor sat at the edge, his knees scrunched up to his chest with his face buried in them. Jared approached him gently.

    "Hey Con." He said, sitting down next to him.

    "Is this revenge?" Connor's voice was heavy with hurt. "Did you convince me you liked me again just to hurt me?"

    Jared's heart broke with Connor's, before he knew it, he was crying. "No, Con, I'd never do that to you." He promised.

    Connor lifted his tear streaked face up and looked at Jared, "Then what the hell was that!"

    "I swear, it wasn't me and it definitely wasn't aimed at you." Jared explained. "After Evan and Zoe broke up, she wanted revenge. She doesn't even know we're back together."

    Connor stared at him for a moment, "So, you're still my boyfriend?"

    Jared laughed through his tears, "As long as you'll have me."

    "I'll always have you." Connor drew Jared into a tight hug. Jared buried his face into Connor's chest, taking in Connor's warm scent. He wished he could always smell like Connor. Connor's grip was tight and Jared could feel tear drops landing on the back of his neck.

    "I love you." Connor said softly.

    "I love you too." Jared replied.

    "Promise you'll never hurt me."

    "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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