The Mansion on Devil's Creek

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Under the ashen sky of Hallow's Town, on top of a small hill at the edge of the settlement, beyond the high wrought-iron gates stands an old antebellum mansion. This formidable edifice was once owned by Lord Martis, a wealthy nobleman known for his ruthless conquests and draconian governance. Most of the town is made up of lands he acquired either through coin or blood, making him the town's true founder. However, his name remains unsung for he was more feared than respected. While he was fair in his judgments and never harmed the innocent, he emanated an air of coldness and he was horrifically cruel to those who dared stand in his way. This reputation left him in solitude. Outside of his conquests, he spent most of his time in the cold, darkened halls of his home, tended only by servants.

No one really knows what became of him. Legend has it that in his loneliness, he went mad and tried to harness energy from the depths of the underworld to acquire more power. After a particularly harsh, stormy night, he and everyone in his household simply disappeared and the misty brook that ran across the hill turned red. To this day, the waters remain a deep crimson for reasons unknown. No one is brave enough to venture further up the hills and poke around to investigate this mystery. The townsfolks, being incredibly superstitious, took it as a mark of the devil. Whether it was a confirmation of the ritual's success or a warning to anyone who dared try the same foolish endeavor is uncertain. Nevertheless, this is how the whole area came to be known as the Devil's Creek.

Years passed yet the mansion and its owner's reputation live on as accounts of mysterious occurrences persist. The Mad Lord had eccentric taste; he decorated his home with horrific sculptures and paintings of monstrous beasts that are sure to unnerve the faint of heart. But those are nothing compared to the strange tales and tragedies that befell anyone who dared set foot in his home. The townsfolks would warn newcomers not to stray near the place, speaking ominously that the Mad Lord still held dominion over the area.

Thus, you can imagine everyone's disbelief when a stream of magnificent black carriages entered the town and went straight up the mansion. Word quickly spread that the place was purchased by a widow from one of the more prominent cities. The townsfolks stirred, curious to know who are the naive, poor souls who bought the cursed land.

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