Nerd - 2

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Virgil got to the drop off area, and Johanna and Mama kissed Virgil sweetly on the cheek. "Have a good day, sweetheart!" Johanna said as Virgil opened the door and headed inside the school.

It was so fancy, too fancy for Virgil's liking. Virgil walked to the office to see a short boy. Black hair, square glasses, same uniform, but the one thing that stood out from everything was he's dull pink eyes. Though, Virgil supposed they were contacts, they looked so realistic!

"Greetings, You must be Virgil, correct?" The boy asked as Virgil softly chuckled at how formally he talked. Does everyone talk like that in this school? "Uh yeah, I'm Virgil." He said nervously. "Oh good. I'm Logan Berry, your guide for the week, so I'll be showing you around this school. Your mother, Addison assigned me to." Logan spoke folding his arms behind his back.

"O-oh? Does my mom know yours or-?" Virgil asked confused. "Uh-..I rather not get into it but let's just say I'm a family friend." Logan stuttered which seemed totally different from his whole vibe he had going on.

"So let's get a move on, I have a note for both of us so we'll be fine if we're late." Logan softly said before properly readjusting his black glasses. "'We're late'? Do we have the same classes?" Virgil asked a bit confused. "We have a few classes together but not all. But we have first period together." Logan explained before walking out and Virgil following him from behind.

After a long three periods, which Virgil and Logan both had with each other. Virgil gathered info on Logan.

He was intelligent, smart, sassy, and pretty chill. One thing that did surprise me was he took Art too, which he was out standing at drawing realistically. He also is very emotional and sensitive but tends to hide it.

Though, he's not exactly popular. He's quite the opposite. He's viewed as just a nerd that does people's homework or he'll be beaten. I feel a bit bad for him, honestly. But I'm afraid if I hang out with him after this own guide this, I might get bullied too.

The bell rang from art class. Logan and I put our sketchbooks up and Logan put his small painting on a rack too. As we were both heading out, we both noticed a bully spat on Logan's painting as so did a few more people did too. Logan didn't do anything but continue walking as if he didn't notice anything, Virgil was about to say something before Logan dragged Virgil out.

"It's lunch." Logan said as Virgil was still pissed. "Are you just gonna let people spit on your painting and push you around?" Virgil asked as Logan looked away. "I don't know what your talking about." He lied.

"It's been happening throughout all classes! Do you really just do what your told?" Virgil asked.

"Would you let me shove you? Just because I can?" Virgil asked. Logan ignored the question, "stay out of my business, Virgil." He glared, angry.

"So if I just-" Virgil said before shoving Logan into a wall. Logan did nothing, he fell onto a locker and then to the ground with quite a bang. Virgil was shocked, he thought Logan would at least stay still or push back but he didn't do anything. As if this happened to him over and over and over again.

A few people saw and laughed, Virgil was about to apologize as Logan stood up and walked to the lunchroom. Virgil stood there a bit in shock as a guy walked up to Virgil.

"Hey new kid, do you think that's funny? what you did to that nerd." A threat. The boy was.. trashy? He had the same uniform I did but it was a bit ripped up with a choker. Bombass eyeliner, pretty cool makeup, a black jacket, and stickers on his face. "N-no it was an accident!" I said intimidated. "That's right it was, if I ever see you near him again, I'll kick your ass." He threatened before stopping off in combat boots. I heard someone mumble his name, "Remus."

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