Coins Theory

170 24 25

SB: I finally understood what kind of genre of music I really, actually like. It's pop and rock.

M: Oh I really hate both. I'm more into dubstep and especially chillstep.

SB: See? We're like the opposite and same sides of two different coins.

M: WHAT? That two sides of the same coin expression doesn't even apply here!

SB: You're the languagist. Your job is being a purist. Not mine!

M: Linguist you mean. -_-

SB: Probably.

M: But seriously, you know while trying to process that coins thing, my cerebrum and cerebellum just switched places!


SB: Hey!!! I met a guy the other day.

M: And?

SB: So he goes like... "If I get 50 yards of space, I'll make a 5 storeyed building on it". He studies civil engineering.

M: Okayyy... and?

SB: Poor soul.. he doesn't know my nature yet.

M: What do you mean?

SB: I simply asked him - "why on earth would you build 5 floors of stairs only to go and sleep on the roof? The look on his face was epic!

M: Yeah, poor soul. He had no idea he was dealing with a deranged madman.

SB: I later told him about our coins theory. He still may be trying to wrap his head around that.

M: Take him to a shrink already. As we are talking about this, maybe he's already lost it and going about chanting baa baa black sheep.


Video in media:

Tall one -> M

Short one -> SB

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