Harry's green eyes gave me a reassuring look, "Shh," He wiped away the tear with his thumb, "I'm here for you. I'm here for you now, and I'll be here for you, forever." 

He pulled me into his body, his hands holding me as he stroked the back of my head. I pushed him away, I feared he would leave me again. 

"How do I know you won't leave me again?" I sobbed, my breath hitched in my throat. 

"Because," Harry held both my hand in is, "I vow to love you, to treasure you, to protect you with my life." he paused and smiled that dimpled smile of his, "And I vow to be by your side in sickness and in health, in times when you feel like the world is crumbling beneath your feet. I will be your shoulder to cry on, your person to rely on and your one and only significant other." He slowly lifted and kissed the back of my hand, "I vow to be your bestfriend, your soulmate, your husband." 

A roar of cheers and clapping echoed in the room. 

My cheeks turned a crimson pink. I was overwhelmed with bliss. 

"Will you love me back?" Harry asked. 

I pursed my lips as a smile escaped, I took a deep breath before beginning, "I vow to love you with all of me. I promise to carry you when you feel defeated. I vow to never leave your side, to always bring you happiness. I will give you shelter, warmth and love. You are my forever and always, and I will never, ever, let you slip away." 

More cheering and clapping exploded in the room. 

"Mrs. Waldorf, Ethan, may I have your blessing?" Harry turned and asked my mother and brother who were sitting in the front row. 

My mother smiled, "Of course, darling. If Alexandra loves you, and you love her, then you have my blessing." 

A smirk formed on Ethan's face, "Apart from how embarrassing that was watching my father get arrested, it would be more embarrassing if I ruined this special moment, so I guess I'll have to give you my blessing too." He joked as people responded with laughter. 

"In that case," The priest spoke, "You may now kiss the bride." 

Harry lifted my veil, he slowly leaned in and pressed his beautiful soft lips onto mine. A kiss that promised a million more. His hands slipped behind my neck as the guests cheered and clapped. 

He began kissing me deeper and harder, his tongue slipping in and out. 

"Save it for later!" Louis called out from the third row as the others laughed. 

Harry and I parted, I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment but that was quickly over ruled by my laughter as I wiped Harry's upper lip which was stained red from my lipstick. 


Dinner was served outside round tables of white with flowers set in the open grass. An orchestra adding sound to the night amongst all the chatter and wine glasses clinking. A row of trees stood tall with fairy lights hanging around, making the night glow. 

I sat at the table with Mia and the rest of the boys. "Congratulations!" Mia chimed as she hugged me. "Thank you," I replied, "I can't believe everything that's happened." 

"Here's a toast to Harry and Ally!" Liam raised his glass as we all followed. 

I took a swig of the campaign afterwards. 

"We're finally here," Louis said, his face expressing disbelief, "You guys are finally able to be together at last." 

Harry gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, "I've waited all my life for this." He whispered into my ear. 

"I wonder who's next," Niall teased nudging Zayn in the arm. 

Our table shared a chuckle before Harry stood up. 

"Want to dance with me?" He asked extending his arm. 

"I'd love to." I replied placing my hands in his. 

We walked towards an open area. December Days by Tim Hanauer started playing in the background. 

I placed my head on Harry's chest, listening to his heart beat. He held my waist as the other held my hand as he guided me slowly back and forth. Our bodies close as I embraced his warmth. We danced under the moonlight and the alluring stars as the night sky fell dark. The little glowing light bulbs that suspended inbetween the branches producing a dim light for us to slow dance to. 

The lyrics of December Days set a emotional vibe. I drew in Harry's cologne, a mix of peppermint and peaches. His heart beating at ease. 

"Tell me you love me." Harry's husky voice vibrated through his chest. I glanced up at his all so beautiful face, his shimmering green eyes, his smile which expressed prominent dimples, so much more beautiful than the stars and the moon combined. 

He was my world, my darkness and my light, the beauty to which nothing could compare.

I gazed into his promising eyes, trusting in the promises they reflected, and said, "I love you."

He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek with his warm and delicate lips as I returned to resting my cheek by his firm chest, whispering into his beating heart, "I will always love you, Harry Styles.'  


                                                            THE END 

I would just like to say a final thank you to everyone who has read and supported my book COLD. Your comments and votes have really powered me through this and I can't thank you enough! I am forever grateful. Honestly, reading back at such wonderful feedback gets me emotional, I send all my love to you guys! Sadly we have come to the end of this heart-felt journey, but rest assured because we made it! We went through the obstacles together and watched Harry and Ally grow strong. Their love is now infinite and everlasting. 

COLD (2014) | Harry Styles {One Direction Fan fiction} |COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz