Chapter 1: House of Hades

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Come on Mel give it back!" Why did my parents had to have more kids. "Why should I, Zagreus?" She giggled and just skipped away. "Mel!" I rushed after her while almost tripping over Midnight. "Come on guys, chill, mom's going to freak out." Macaria is casually eating her breakfast while scolding us and like usual we ignore her. "Children settle down, we don't want your mother freaking out, you know how she is in the mornings, now sit!" My father broods in and takes his seat at the head of the table. "Yes father." Me and Melinoe take our seat, I take the seat next to where my mother sits and my sisters across from me. "Morning everyone." My mother graces herself looking less than cheery, my mother is not a morning person at all in this time of her moon cycle. "Morning Mother dearest." I kiss her on the cheek and she gives a cute small smile. "Well let us eat, I'm starving!" Mel was already drooling from the hunger, she is hungry most of the time.
I don't like breakfast really all that much, but mother insisted that we start the day off seeing each other and if you so dared missed it she will not be pleased at all and a pissed off mom is a pissed off dad, deadly couple combination. "So Zagreus, what are your plans for today?" My mother asked while taking a big bite out of her croissant with jam and cream. It's her favorite thing in the morning ever since they went on a vacation in the human world. "I am most probably going to help Father out with his duties today. My mother and father shared a look which I didn't get but decided to ignore it. "And you two, what are my lovely daughters up to today?" My twin sisters smiles all innocently. The best I could describe them is yin and yang. Melinoe or as we call her Mel, is the goddess of ghosts and she often terrorizes the living with the undead and transforms herself into a beast to terrorize them, but she helps ghost them cross over into our realm as well, she's not evil but she is not good either. Her hair is pure black on one side and white on the other side, one eye is violet like our mom's and the other one red like my dad's and her skin is between greyish and milky, she's my parents mashed together. Then we have her twin my other sister Macaria or as we call her Aria, she is the goddess of  blessed death. She helps the noble souls to the Elysium and sometimes helps Thanatos with the deaths of humans. She's nothing but a pure cute woman. She has white hair like my mothers with red-purple eyes, depending on her mood it can be more purple or red. Both my sisters are connected to the moon so me and my father and the rest of the castle have our hands full, they are not so much influenced by it like our mother, but they do have it.
Then we have me, Zagreus, first born of Hades and Pandeia, I'm the god of hunting, mystery and darkness, I'm mainly known as the prince of the underworld. I assist my father with his duties. I have black hair like my father with one white streak of hair in the front on my right side and it reaches just below my spine and then I have my father's red eyes. Our family is now known as the House of Hades. "Nothing much, today for me." Mel says with her mouth full of food, so it sounds muffled. "Mel, stop speaking with your food in your mouth!" My father throws a knife at her and she catches it with no problem.  "I'll... I'll be with Thanatos today with the humans." Aria whispers and she blushes. She's really shy and her voice comes out as an angelic whisper when she speaks. "Mmmm you've been awfully a lot together these past few weeks hhmmm?" My mother wiggles her eyebrows. "Out of the question! My girls will not date ever! I will torture any man before they can even think of laying a hand on my girls!" My father yells, growls and the castle starts to shake. "Calm down Husband!" My mother boomed back and everything went back to normal. "I'm sorry to upset you father." My sister whispered while casting her face down. My father turns all mushy again. "Don't worry sweetheart, I am sorry." It's always like this, my father lashes out at my sisters and with that one sentence from Aria he turns to mush. My mother gives some cheeky grin, she knows my sisters is my father's weakness. All the more reason they are guarded 24/7 by my fathers most trusted men.
"Well I must be off now before Sebastian comes searching for me. You know when I appointed him as my attendant I'd no idea he'd be such a slave driver!" My mother pouts before running off somewhere. After all these years, she still gets lost or rather no one can find her easily. My father just signs before finishing his meal as well. "Come on Zagreus, we have a lot to do in two days before me, your mother and sisters go to Triton's realm."

"Soooo, I'm going to earth?" I ask my parents once again. "Yes." I whip my tail in defiance.
"I don't see why I must, I've heard the humans are cruel and ridiculous." My father takes a deep breath.
"Seleia, it's a tradition on your mother's side first and foremost, second, it will learn you how to contain your powers. On earth you cannot reveal yourself, this will learn you how to control and contain it."
I knew my father was right, my powers are dangerous and they act on my emotions and it has caused more troubles than not.
"But I...." I think of an exuse to not go, but I just couldn't think of anything. My mother gives her smug smile, knowing I have no excuse. "Fine, when do we leave?" I gave up. "They will be here in two days."
"They?" Who is they? My mother smiles. "Why my sister of coarse!"
The goddess of the underworld is comming here!?
Now I was excited, I've never met Pandeia, my mother's sister and also queen of the underworld. "Yes, oh I haven't seen them in a while." my mother says and my father shakes his head. "Oh dear how I wish I had a trip to go to." My mother gives him a sharp look. "Don't you pull that attitude with me Triton." My father gulps, "Sorry my Wave." I admire my parents relationship. "Anywho, they'll be here in two days and then you'll be off."
"Could've been sooner if that brother in law of mine wanted to come earlier." My mother mumbles.

Hades sneezes back in the underworld.

"So, I'm going with Pandeia?" I clarify. "Pft, no silly. Hades will never allow that. My sister being away from him? No way, you'll be joining your cousins, Melinoe and Macaria." I've hear about them, rumors are that Macaria is sweet and shy, but wise, the other gods respect her opinion. Then there is Melinoe, rumor has it that she is a trouble maker. I don't know in which way, but the gods do love to gossip.
"Oh I see. Why?"
“Their jobs are related to the earth realm so they know how to go about there and they'll show you about.''
It still made me so nervous to meet them.


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