Chapter 4: Boys volleyball team.

Start bij het begin

"Hey L/N!" I see Hinata and Kageyama waving at me, I waved back at them.

"You're friends with a model?!" Tanaka, the bald eagle asked surprised (Imma call him that from now on.) they all look at me, I smiled nervously, scared by everyone surrounding me, but Tsukki grabbed my hand and walked off while holding my hand.

"Well, you met everyone. You guys are going to be late." Tsukki let's go of my hand and put his headphones on and we walked off, leaving the others behind.

We finally arrived at school and went to our lockers to change our shoes.
"Hey, L/N-chan, you didn't tell us you were a model!" Hinata exclaimed I chuckled at his puppy-like personality.
"I didn't want to say anything, that's it." I explained briefly, smiling sheepishly. But the real reason was that I didn't want to have friends that were fake, I'm done with those people.
I then noticed Hinata get hit in the head by Tsukishima's elbow.
"Ow! You did that on purpose!" Hinata pointed at Tsukki, rubbing his head. I see Kageyama trying not to laugh beside Hinata.
"Oh sorry, I couldn't see your short, safety cone-like head." I almost laughed at Tsukki's words but held it in.
"That's mean Kei, " I said, softly punching Tsukishima's arm. He smirked and said 'Gomen' sarcastically.
"Anyways, after school, do you want to come and see us at volleyball practice?" Hinata asked. A pink tint showed up on his cheeks, he was such a cinnamon roll, I was squealing internally.

"Ah, sure, I could take some pictures with my camera too, " I said, putting my camera in my locker.
We all chatted a bit while walking to our class. Soon enough, class started and I sat in my seat, behind a blonde girl with a small side pony, held together with some star-shaped clips.


It was lunchtime, and I brought a bento box I made last night before I went to sleep. My mom keeps nagging me to lose weight because of how much I've gained just from the past few days I stayed here.
I walked out of the classroom with my headphones and went to one of the vending machines to get a bottle of water and go upstairs to the rooftop.

"L/N-Chan!" I heard someone call me as I walked up the stairs. I turned to them, it was all the boys that I saw this morning, Hinata must be the one who called me because he was the one who usually called me L/N-chan.
"Hey guys, " I started walking down to the surface that started before the steps.
"What's up?" I asked and I glanced at all of the boy's bento boxes, they all had different patterns of wrapping for their bento boxes, and Tsukishima had dinosaurs with a green background, which I thought was cute since he always liked dinosaurs.
"We're all going to the roof to eat our lunch, are you going?" Nishinoya asked, his short self smiled and it was as cute as Hinata's smile. I nodded and we all went up to the roof.

The boys and I sat on a circle and opened the tops of our bento boxes. Soon enough, the blonde girl that sat in front of me in class and a stunning woman came to the rooftop. According to Bald eagle and Nishinoya, they're the managers if the volleyball team, Yachi Hitoka and Shimizu Kiyoko. I kept glancing at Tsukki, he was listening to music with his headphones and ignoring everyone.
"Imma goes over there for a sec, " I said as I got up and walked to the corner with my bento, opposite from where everyone was sitting. I tried not to be rude but usually, I don't hang around big groups of people. I've had claustrophobia since first grade because I got lost in a Mall, and there were so many people surrounding me, I couldn't help but freak out. Tsukishima knows too, and I'm guessing by now he would think it's pretty lame of me.

I hung around a little corner with my headphones on, listening to 'Ultimately' by Khai Dreams.
I was finishing the rice balls from my bento but noticed a shadow walking towards me. I look to the side to see who it was, I slid my headphone off and realized it was Tsukishima.
"Can I.. Sit with you?" Tsukishima asked, I could tell he was a bit nervous, but I didn't really question it. He was never the timid type, but the rare moments where I got to see him vulnerable were ones I never questioned about.
I nodded and continued to eat my rice ball while Tsukki took a seat beside me.
"Why did you leave the group?" Tsukishima asked I looked at him and glanced up at the clouds that were slowly moving while the earth rotates.

Childhood friends. [TsukishimaxReader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu