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Dear Ashley

It's Tuesday now, and we had an english class.
But this week your not coming.

I remember, you sit in front of me with your friend, Jennie. You always wear your glasses when you reading book. Your eyes always focused on the board.

Your beauty hand like dancing on your book.

After class finish, you wear an earphone and go to station with me, Jennie, and Ron.

I remember you wear a necklace from me. Your eyes always look at me, and then i see your cheeks turned red.

Were having fun together until night. After Jennie and Ron back home, we went to tree house.

We having fun, eat a popcorn and see a star together.

But, now it's just a memory.
In fact your not coming again. Your not coming to meet me and see the star.

Tonight, I'm alone in here with my book to write this letter.

I just hope your come as soon as possible.

Love, Aland.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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