You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

Start from the beginning

My heart is still racing and for some reason I’m holding my breath. Tonight we bring him in. Then we can question him about Genesis Labs and finally figure out who gave Finn superpowers, stole his memories, and created all those monsters. 

“Now,” I order. 

I can hear the gust of wind as Finn breaks up their little operation. 

“If it isn’t the local superhero,” a voice says. I can recognize it as Harry’s even over the microphone, “You’ve caused quite a stir these last few days.” 

“I’ve been busy. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you,” Finn says, his voice sounding confident, “Maybe this time you’ll show a little respect.” 

“Respect is earned, kid,” Harry says back, “I’ve done my research on you. You may be tough but you’re not invincible. How about tonight we test those limits? Huh? How many bullets does it take to bring the Hero down?” 

Oh no. 

“Finn?!” I hiss nervously. Ugh, I wish I could be there with him instead of trapped in this stupid car miles away. 

“I’m ok. I can handle this.” 

And then there’s gunfire. 

It sounds like a war zone on the the other side. I pull up the map on my computer. “There should be a building to your left. You can use it for cover and it wraps around so you can take them out from the other side,” I say calmly. 

“Got it,” Finn snaps back, yelping every once in a while from a stray bullet, “I’m inside. Now what?” 

I’m able to quickly pull up the buildings floor plan from a local domain on a new tab. “Go to the second floor, down the hall to your left, and fly out the last window,” I order. 

There’s more commotion on the other end: yelling, more gunfire, and then finally Finn says “Stand down” and all is quiet. 

“It worked Mack,” he says, “You’re a genius. I took down the guards and have Harry in my custody.” 

“Yah it did. Score one for Team Hero,” I cheer. 

“Is that what you’re calling us now?” he laughs, “I did not agree to a name change.” 

“Yah well-.” I pause when suddenly there’s the sound of crashing glass. 

Only, it comes from my end. 

I scream out as shatters of glass rain down all around me. Two dark shadows are waiting by the outside of the car, one with a crowbar in hand. 

“Now what is a pretty girl like you doing all alone at this hour,” one says, smiling mischievously at me. He grabs me by the collar of my shirt and yanks me outside the car so that I crash down on sidewalk. 

“Mack?!” Finn yells on the other side, “Mack what’s wrong?”

“Trouble,” I whisper back, clumsily stumbling to my feet. 

One my attackers makes a grab for my arm but I shake him off and make a mad dash in the opposite direction. My boots stomp against the pavement as fast as I can but it’s not good enough. The other attacker grabs my arm and I stumble again to the ground. 

The bigger attacker sits on top of me, pulling a knife out of his jacket pocket and pressing it close to my throat. 

My eyes grow wide as the gravity of this situation sinks in. 

“Get off!” I shout, struggling under his immense weight, “Why are you doing this.”

“We just want to play,” he smiles evilly, tracing the cool metal down my cheek, “It’s not often little rich girls  like you come into our neighborhood. You really are an idiot, sitting alone in a car at night not even paying attention to your surroundings.” 

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