You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

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One week later... 

The masked man flew into my room just past midnight. 

“Finn,” I say from underneath the covers, eyes still closed, “Please tell me you weren’t watching me sleep because that’s super creepy dude.” 

“Ew no. I just got here,” Finn says, “How’d you even know I was here?” 

I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and readjusting my ponytail, “Guess I’m starting to get used to the super speed.” 

“Well that’s no fun,” Finn grins. He’s wearing his Hero costume, the black mask hiding his face, “I sort of like sneaking up behind you and freaking you out.” 

“How charming,” I frown, “So what’s up? The city better be in peril if its worth interrupting my beauty sleep.” 

“I found some activity down by the railroad tracks. I want to go check it out." 

“And of course you need your brilliant partner to tag along. You’re totally useless without me,” I tease as I pull on a jacket from the closet and my signature boots. 

“I wouldn’t say totally useless,” Finn smiles, “What about the whole super strength, speed, and devastating good looks?” 

“Two out of three ain’t bad,” I tease. Finn grins before the realization sits in. 

“Hey!” he shouts, but I’m already out the door. 

Twenty minutes later I’m parked outside some sketchy alley in the bad part of town near the railroad track. My earpiece communicator is hooked up, a laptop with a tracker with Finn’s location is on my lap, and steaming coffee is sitting in the cup holder. 

Time to get my sidekick on. 

Finn had been hesitant to leave me here all by myself. He had insisted he fly me up to some rooftop so I could get a birds eye view but once again I decline. I hate heights. They’re my one fear in the world and I hate them more then Abbey Tanaka and Piper Green combined. Plus we have to be close enough for the gear to work. So car it is. 

“The Politician is in the henhouse,” Finn chimes over the radio. 

“Kill the code names boy blunder,” I say back, “Are you position?” 

“I can see everything Mack Attack... ok sorry that was the last one,” Finn laughs at his own joke, “Shoot. They brought bigger guns this time.” 

I think back to two weeks ago last time we were at the train station. Finn had been trying to do the whole hero spiel when the thugs opened fire. Finn can take a bullet but he’s no man of steel. Not even he can stand up against a full blown arsenal. “Be careful,” I say, butterflies starting to tingle in my stomach. 

“Awh you do care,” Finn laughs. 

“And be serious!” 

“Of course. You underestimate me Mackenzie.” 

“You overestimate my patience,” I snap back, but there’s only silence. I listen as Finn moves closer, watch his little dot on the screen, and it almost feels like I’m right there beside him

“I see Harry Charleston,” Finn whispers, obviously too close to joke around now. I can hear the faint yelling and moving of boxes over the earpiece, “No sign of any Genesis Lab stuff though.” 

“Hold the position for just a second longer,” I command, “Tonight we take him down.” 

There is silence. 

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