Chapter 8

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I keep changing my sleeping position. Something was bothering me. I look at the ceiling and sighed. I recalled what happened today, there's no way I'm botheres bc of what happened to Joong. I know Nine can handle him. I'm also not worried about Nine, he's a Med student, I know he can take care of Joong well since he's a junior from my department.

I then remember Pavel and Earth. Does Pavel like earth? Base on my observations, He kept doing everything for him. He even helped him. They're always together. I then remember everything that we've done.

He gives me hope that he likes me. He keeps flirting to me. He sometimes acts like hes possessive of me and then the next day I found out that he's so close to Earth... I knoe it's been years but We still keep in touch through messages.

But now it seems like he's ignoring me. Even when me and Him are inside the room to look after Joong, he doesn't even look at me.

"Dome! I missed youuuuu" I was hugged by Pavel who just came. "Ouh! Benjamin  I didn't know he was gonna come..." I said. "Why? You don't want him to come?" Benjamin asked. My eyes widened and shakes my head. "So you do want me to come?" Pavel asked as he leaned closer to me. I blushed and pushed him away. He chuckled and starts walkint away.




I missed youuu :(((((
Meet up pls? The park near our dorm  see you in 5 minutes!


I walk around the park to see if Pavel already arrived. "Boo!" I was startled by hands touching my shoulder. I grabbed the guys hands and twisted it. "Ouch ouch ouch!" Turns out it was Pavel. I let go of his arm and apologized.

"Dang you're strong Dome, I lost to you" Pavel pouted. "I thought you were a kidnapper or something" I said. "I would kidnap you though and rape you to be honsest if you weren't my friend" Pavel said.

"What the fuck bro" I said. "I mean you're handsome and all, who wouldn't want to kidnap you" Pavel reasoned out. I just playfully rolled my eyes. "Why are you still awake at this time?" I asked Pavel. "I was thinking about something and then I remember you, I didn't know you're awake at this time" Pavel said.

"I was overthinking about something too" I said.

I sighed as I remember the day at the park with him. I groaned. "I can't sleep urgh!" I said. I closed my eyes and kept trying to sleep until someone knockef on my door. I stood up and opened the door to see Pavel.

My eyes widened. "Why are you here" I asked. "Let me sleep with you for a while" He said and walked inside. "Pavel why are you here" I asked again. "Why? you don't want me here?" He asked as he looked at me. "It's not that, It's just I'm shocked that you're here all of a sudden" I said.

He flopped on my bed. "Just let me sleep here for a while" He said. This is normal to us but these weeks he doesn't do this and I sure do miss this but why? Why did he decided to sleep in my dorm?

"You're zoning out, come here" Pavel said as he grabbed my hand and pull me to lay beside him. He hugged me. "Pavel.. Aren't you unco-" "Shhh... Just let me sleep here" He said as he hugged my tighter. Warm... It feels warm...

I want to hug him all day and here I am now getting hugged by him, by my crush. I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his hearthbeat, it was same as mine.. Beating rapidly. Does he also feel the same? Or maybe it's because I'm so close to him that's why it's beating fast.

Pavel... Why are you like this to me?

𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 || 𝘑𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora