Curse Of The Curves

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Chapter 1

I stepped on the scales, for the up tenth time that day, willing the needle to stop as soon as it started moving. No such luck, as the same numbers I had been looking at for the past year, glared back at me, commanding my attention, while sneering at my inability to rid myself of their ever-looming presence in my life. It never used to bother me that I was slightly chubbier than my friends, who always insisted that I had a different sort of appeal, Millie going as far as saying I was voluptuous, this had us all clutching our sides with laughter. As I was saying, it never used to bother me, until we started year 11, and all my friends got boyfriends, while I was single. Of course, boys approached me, I’m not a beast, but it was always the science geniuses, who soon got bored of me, due to my lack of scientific knowledge, but I stayed friends with some of them. Nevertheless, the girls had long-term, meaningful relationships while little old me, stayed at home on Saturday nights watching old movies with my dad and Lizzie. Gorging me on my stepmothers cakes for her catering course, it was something of a private joke between us three, that Lizzie could burn water, but her cakes were beyond amazing. I laughed at the irony of it. As I was saying, year 11 was the time when it hit me; I was fat.

     It all added up now. All my other friends were slim size 6–8. And there was me teetering on the precipice between 10 and 12. I tried not to drag myself into the alien world of celebrity diets, I wasn't about to succumb to an eating disorder. The ones, which were so common between girls my age (I have no wish to look like a walking cadaver). At the same time, I couldn’t help my sudden paranoia around the girls, who could all easily have been models. I regularly declined going shopping with them, just to avoid the embarrassment of having to purge through the racks, in the search for the right size. However, tonight I was determined to let all of that go, if just for one night. Tonight was the night of Charlie’s house party. He was a previous boyfriend of Millie’s, who never quite got over her, but he was also one of my closest friends, which had made it awkward that he had dated my cousin, a part of me was relieved, How naughty of me. I have not explained properly have I? Ha-ha, I tend to go off the subject. Millie is my cousin but we have always been more like sisters, along with Jez and Mackie, the three beautiful princesses with their pudgy best friend. That is we.

My ringtone rang out in the distance and I realised that I had been standing on the scales for the past ten minutes. I wrapped a towel around myself, exited my bathroom, into my bedroom, and frantically searched for the phone following the lyrics that were blasting out of my phones speakers.

....I want someone provocative and talkative,

But it’s so hard when you’re shallow as a shower-

I snatched the phone from its hiding place, and answered it.

“Hey! Kylee I’m so excited for tonight,”

Millie beamed down the phone at me; I could just imagine her flicking her blonde hair (her crowning glory because of its almost iridescent hue), as she spoke, her little habit.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten,” she said sternly.

Balancing the phone between my shoulder and ear, I quickly grabbed my clothes so as not to make the following statement a lie,

“‘Course not Millie.... I’m getting ready right now, in fact” I replied sweetly“, so I’ll call you when I’m on my way?”

“Fine, remember 7 o’clock. My house, okay, bye loser.”

“Aww, you do say the sweetest things, bye.”

     After hanging up, I stared at the clock... Arghh! It was already 6:30. I was wearing a pair of dark blue Jeggings, a white tank top and white plimsolls. A large   red checker shirt with the buttons undone finished the ensemble, I felt... good, well at least for now that is. I rushed into the bathroom again, and put some foundation on, crouching to look in the only corner of the mirror, that wasn't smothered by water vapour, as I’d forgotten to turn the fan on. In too much pain from my position, I decided to go with the natural look and skipped out on mascara and eyeliner. I brushed my black hair, hoping to imbibe some sort of life into it. When I finally settled on a messy bun, it was 6:55. I stuffed my phone and iTouch into the pockets of my jeggings (I learnt the hard way not to take a bag to party) and grabbed my dad’s car keys. I had voted against taking my pick-up, as I was likely to be the designated driver, for the four of us, and there were only two seats. Plus I think it’s a felony to use the boot as extra seating, although I had considered it. I decided the hang over my friends would suffer the next day, would have them in the throes of agony, and would be punishment enough for dumping their unconscious bodies on me. I shouted a good bye to dad and Lizzie, who were in the lounge, before stepping out of the front door.

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