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#2 WISH: jungkook, let me make you black bean noodles.

Truthfully, that was the only wish Taehyung had in mind but turned out that it was not the one.

Taehyung had a hard time thinking about what his last wish would be while resting on the cold hard floor.

Jungkook did not even give him a blanket or a pillow.

Even though Taehyung did not say anything, because he knew he had no rights to, he couldn't help but feel a little upset.

Back then, they would squeeze around and shared the same bed together although they had their own rooms.

The tiny Jungkook used to fit right in his arms. He would snuggle into Taehyung's chest and begged for him to stroke his head.

Sometimes when Taehyung closed his eyes, he could still hear Jungkook saying "Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite!" to him.

The Jungkook now wouldn't even spare a glance at him.

Suddenly, he thought of an idea.

"Jungkook, can I borrow your kitchen tomorrow?"

Jungkook was resting on his bed and he replied in a low, deep voice. "Why would you want to borrow my kitchen......"

"I suddenly thought of what my last wish would be."

"Nn...... just do whatever you want then.." Jungkook said in annoyance as he covered his head with the blanket.

Taehyung took it as a sign that Jungkook did not want to speak to him anymore so he quietly curled up and hugged his legs to sleep.

The next day, Jungkook woke up and he noticed that Taehyung had already dissapeared.

"Oh? He must've gotten his last wish fulfilled." Jungkook said happily. He got up to take a bath, dressed up and headed to his private dining room.

When he opened the door, he saw a table filled with many fancy dishes. But one dish had specially caught his eyes.

It was a bowl of black bean noodles.

Jungkook's fists tightened and his knuckles turned white.

It was a rule in the palace that black bean noodles was a forbidden dish. When Jungkook used to be Taehyung's disciple back then, he would always make that dish for him but once he got kicked out, he had never tasted it anymore.

"Master, this taste like home! One more!"

Jungkook shut his eyes. He couldn't bring himself to taste it. It reminded him of Taehyung way too muchㅡ or, it reminded him of the home that he had lost.

Jungkook became furious and he yelled out. "Who dared to put this here?! Do you not want your head anymore?!"

"Jungkook? You woke up?" A voice came from the back and Jungkook turned around to see Taehyung walking into the dining room.

The crease in between Jungkook's brows became deeper. "You...I thought you-"

"I was the one who made it. Eat up." Taehyung smiled and took a seat.

Jungkook stood still and stared at the bowl of black noodles. He gritted his teeth and forced out the words out of his mouth in the most polite way possible.

"You.. Why would this be your last wish? What is the meaning of this?"

Taehyung remained silent for a while before saying softly,

"..after I kicked you out of the palace, I had always wanted to make this for you, at least once, but I never had the chance to."

Taehyung swallowed the thick lump in his throat.

"....you must've starved a lot. I'm sorry."

Jungkook's hands began to tremble violently. He was so angry that he did not know what he should say.

"Are you not going to taste it..?" Taehyung said and his voice had a hint of sadness.

"You..You..!" Jungkook took the whole bowl and slammed it onto the floor. The porcelain bowl broke and the noodles scattered on the floor. He could no longer eat it.

"Fuck you! I'm not going to eat it!" Jungkook dashed out of the room and Taehyung did not chase after him.

He slowly cleaned up the mess and threw the broken pieces and noodles away.

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