Chapter 8

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"So do you agree?" Taylor asked, his eyes searching hers trying to find emotion. His demands were too much. She couldn't do it.

"Is it really necessary?" Ana asked, a glimmer of hope beaming in her eyes." Sadly, no," Taylor said flatly. Ana sighed, "Can you say them again." Taylor sighed." Okay, if you marry me you will join Venom Vipers and rule over one of its sectors,Killer Queens. Will you do it"

Ana breathed,"Yeah, I guess I am, but on 3 conditions and you have to agree." Taylor stayed silent, urging her to continue, " 1. You have to give me my phone, laptop and tablet. They were all in my limo. 2. You have to give me the freedom to go outside this palace, and I'll not try to escape, I've accepted my fate. And 3rd, you, Taylor Marquess," Taylor got startled by that," Will have to forgive me. I'm sorry for being a jerk the other day and saying all those things. I shouldn't have gotten mad or even blamed your father's actions on you. Am really sorry"

Taylor smiled and Ana's words and held her hands, making Ana look into his eyes." It's fine, I forgive you, and besides I can't stay mad at my future wife, especially when she's as beautiful as you." Ana blushed. She felt so warm inside it became disturbing. "I'll go take a bath now." She said before going to the bathroom. A part of her wanted Taylor to join her in the tub, which was weird cause she wasn't the sexual type. She wasn't like this with Ken, or Lucas, the most they did was kiss, and it was a dare back in campus.

Ana ended up sleeping in the tub, only to be woken up by Britney."Ana what are you still doing asleep. Wake up its almost time." She shouted. Ana fluttered her eyes open to see Britney all dressed up. She had her platinum blonde hair plaited back, bold red lipstick, and her diamond crusted nose ring with matching earrings and necklace. Her bridal party gown was red like her lipstick, hugging her  figure, and finally silver heeled shoes. Ana woke up, wearing her robe and went to her closet. Her wedding dress was there, white with diamonds and pearls sewed as ornaments. She felt butterflies in her stomach when she wore it. It was a mermaid gown, hugging her curves nicely, it was a perfect fit. She got out of the closet and met some women she didn't know. Everyone gasped at how beautiful she looked with the dress it made her blush. She saw Kim already dressed up, she was looking down to her phone, and Ana felt bad her friend wasn't near her assuring her the wedding would be great. Instead it was Britney and she appreciated how close they had become. After almost half an hour Ana's makeup was done. Just as she requested, it was simple and almost neutral. She was looking stunning. Everyone, except Kim, was giving her compliments and encouragement, and Ana was worried about her best friend.

When she was about to ask Kim what was wrong she heard Britney talking in the phone." Yes  father she's ready...She'll be down soon...Okay." she said before hanging up. "We have to go. Trevor is mad we are almost late." She said, rolling her eyes. Ana sighed," Let's do this."

The wedding was at the compound, the gazebo being the podium. Rose, or should I say Isabella, held her sister's hand tightly and the wedding bells song began, assuring them to walk down the red isle. They walked slowly and steadily, making Ana anxious by the second. She saw Taylor at the gazebo, Evad behind him as his best man. Trevor was the one presiding the wedding so of course he was also beside Taylor. Finally there she was, in front of Taylor holding his hands and saying their vows to each other. Even though they were fake, they felt so real to her and she felt excited by them.

"Ana... Anastacia Anderson!"Trevor shouted jolting her to reality. " I do." She said calmly not averting her gaze from Taylor's eyes. "You are now husband and wife. Kiss." Trevor commanded coldly. Taylor smirked," You want this." He asked, Ana smiled and took a step closer to him, sliding her hands to his waist and the nape of his neck. He neared her, his gaze on her lips before they clashed their tongues meeting each other, tangling. She was breathless when they broke off, but he seemed fine, making Ana want to do it again only to make him breathless. They slid the rings into the other's finger. They looked back at the applauding crowd and did a wave simultaneously. Ana was all smiles until her eyes met a familiar set of sad grey eyes and her heart throbbed. It was Lucas, he was wearing a white tuxedo with a black tie. His hair was plaited into 2 lines and held back. His ear studs were plain black, making him look handsome. He looked away after sharing stares for a while and walked away. Ana's heart sank. She felt terrible.

Taylor introduced Ana to all the guests present. Some were Lords and Ladys and assistants of Venom Vipers while others were leaders of other Mafia empires. Surprisingly she related with them comfortably. She was the definition of a social butterfly. He couldn't however stop thinking about the kiss. He'd kissed so many women and even men before but none of them gave him the satisfaction that Ana's kiss did. She was amazing and he didn't even know her well.

The day flew by and soon it was night. He held Ana's hand and went straight to his room. Ana didn't say a word until they were in front of the door. "Taylor, I wanted to tell you something." She said while Taylor opened the door. Soon they were inside and Ana closed the door behind her."Tell me." Taylor said sweetly as he removed his coat.

"I was thinking we could sleep in different rooms until I'm settled in in this relationship." Taylor shot her a stare. Ana froze, afraid Taylor would get angry at her." Sure your room is my neighbour anyway." He said casually while sipping a drink he poured for himself. Ana smiled," Cool, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"You don't trust me,do you?" His husky voice asked coldly making Ana turn back at him. Taylor didn't look at her, he simply stared down at his phone. "Its not that Taylor..."

"Yes it is, you think I'm a monster, like my dad, you said so yourself." Ana stood silently staring at him. "Everything is fake to you, the marriage the kiss everything" He ranted, smashing his glass to the ground, breaking to pieces. He looked at her and she realised he was hurt, his eyes were nearly black and his face was red in anger.

Ana in sheer fear got out of the room and ran to hers, which as Taylor had said was his left neighbour. She leaned on the closed doors and slid down to sit on the floor. She felt devastated. Kim saw and heard everything at a distance and smiled at the fruits of her hard work. Lucas appeared from behind her. "The plan is working perfectly, partner." Lucas said with a malicious smile on his lips. Kim looked at Lucas and back to the empty hallway. Their alliance had proved fruitful.

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