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Hello, sorry I've neglected this book. Wait scratch that I haven't looked at this for months. This is at at one the alleged "secret meetings". 

"Graystripe!" Seeing him always makes me happy. I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't rescued him from the river that day. But I'm glad I did. I mean, yeah it's against Clan code, but... 

Graystripe scrabbled down the slope and ran to the bank while I swam there from the Riverclan border. I'm so lucky. Time passed and we talked about what was going on in our clans, and where the best prey was. I suggested some kit names that Graystripe liked, and he asked if any Riverclan cats knew about us yet

Suddenly I detected a Riverclan patrol coming this way.  We quickly said goodbye and went to our own territory. I couldn't wait to see him again.

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