Truth part 1

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Their a little jump they are married and Andy dad has died but the team dose not know about the marriage or relationship maya knows that they are seeing each other that's it Dixon and hr do know about everything tho Ben and him talked about the drugs that it!
Andy and Robert woke up thinking it was a normal day they did their normal morning routine Robert got up first kissed Andy on her cheek like every morning admiring how cute she was cause she always sleeps on her stomach  . The kiss causing Andy to wake up morning lovey Robert said it was his new thing calling her love or lovey andy was not anyone for pet names but she thought it was cute so she started calling him it to. Morning she said half awake I'm going to go shower if you wanna sleep a few minutes Robert told her Andy jumped up out of bed umm is something wrong Robert asked with a confused look. Andy went up and wrapped her arms around his neck I wanna shower with you Andy said Robert raised his eyebrows in confusion is their a problem that I wanna shower with my husband Andy said smiling Robert looked into her eyes not a problem at all he said grabbing her hand and dragging her into the bathroom as soon as they entered Robert started kissing her before they knew it they were in the shower enjoying their time together. When the water started to run cold they got out. They both walked to the bed room in their towels Andy went to the draws Robert made for her grabbed a bra and under tank top and leggings and then went to her spot in the closet and grabbed her uniform pants and shirt Robert did the same minus the tank top and leggings. After they were both dressed andy brushed her hair into a bun. They walked down to the kitchen Robert grabbed some food what not going to eat with the team Andy said laughing he has gotten better he will eat a meal with the team here and their no-I-just Robert said stuttering Andy went over took the food out of his hand you can eat with us ME today and I will even make sure you get a seat next to me andy said grabbing his hand and looking into his eyes you should eat with the team you guys get  your time he said in a sweet voice eat with me today please andy said with big eyes in a sad tone that she knew he could not say no to you know you very clingy today he said kissing her so that's a yes she asked fineee he said grabbing the keys and going  to the car when they got in he grabbed her hand like always placing a soft kiss when they got near the station he dropped her hand they got out and went separate ways Andy up to the beanery and Sullivan up to his office hey andy you want a calendar sense we already had the funeral and got funding their plenty Vic explained laughing umm I would love one andy said in a confused tone the conversation was over when Sullivan walked in Morning 19! Sullivan said walking to the coffee pot pouring himself a cup Chief would you like a Calendar Vic said handing Andy her calendar why not Sullivan said grabbing the Calendar from Hughes Chief we made French toast would you like to join us for breakfast andy asked umm ya that sounds good Sullivan said sitting at the head of the table Andy right next to him. So andy I have a question for you travis said looking at Andy go head andy said after chewing her food well we all had to pose half naked for the calendar and no where in their were you Travis said giving her a joking interrogating look YA the whole team said in unison I mean some people might wanna see that Vic said joking the conversation was over when engine 2 and prt were called out that was jack miller Ben and Avery showed up just in time they went out a few seconds after they left Sullivan went and put his plate in the sink thanked them for breakfast then went to his office so back to are conversation be for me and maya were in tight swim suits posing for a photo where were you Vic asked well I'm not going to answer that Andy said leavening the table and heading to Sullivan's office. She did not bother to knock she just entered hey she said as she opened the door which cause him to look up wow first we have to shower in the morning together,then you make me eat breakfast with you and the team now office visits some one in a cling loving mood. Robert said laughing andy went over and closed the blind sorry about breakfast with the whole calendar talk andy said while closing the blinds it's okay but I kinda wish you were in this calendar Sullivan said laughing shut it she said closing the last set of blinds as much as you closing the blinds is sexy why are you closing the blinds he asked Andy just laughed and walked over and sat on his lap and kissed his neck well as much as I love the attention you are a little more loving than usally it's kinda funny you hate when other people hug you but you love to hug me and cuddle Robert said with a small laugh but Andy did not say anything she just sat on his lap with her head on his shoulder. Love what's wrong he asked lifting her head to look at him I don't know she said what do you mean you don't know he asked I don't know I just want a little extra love she said well if that's all it fine Robert said which it really was she just wanted to a little more love. Andy kissed him she then stood up grabbing his hand to make him stand up he placed his hands around her waste kissing her for a few minutes then pulling apart not breaking their hug they looked at each other for a moment I should be going andy said just one more minute Robert responded we should tell them andy said Robert went to say something  but was interrupted they were so wrapped up in the moment they did not hear two people walk in......

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