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Just to make things clear right now in the story it's not placed in any point on the show just kinda what I view and hope and  will happen between Andy and Robert and the station 19 crew. But is anyone else scared for the upcoming episode the episode where all the secrets are going to be coming out!
The whole crew was on scene Dixon was telling each station where to go. Sullivan was running Field control and maya had interior. "Warren are you and Jackson on the PRT" asked maya "yes" said Warren "okay just wait here until  everyone is partnered up"—maya "got it"—Warren "why do we have to wait" asked Jackson "so we know who is with who I'm case of emergency"—Warren ohhh said Jackson "okay here how we will partner up" " Warren and Jackson will be at the PRT" Vic gave Jackson a side glance "Miller and Hughes you till will have the East of the building" "Montgomery and Dixon you will have the center and Gibson and Herrera you will take the west" explained maya "copy captain" they all said almost in Unison. " HERRERA" Sullivan called out and walked over he grabbed her arm pulled her behind the truck where no one could see them "Gibson is w—" Andy tried to finish but Sullivan just cut her off "I just wanted to say be careful and don't get hurt" Sullivan said "Robert" andy said kinda in a concerned "I-I know not look over you I'm your battalion chief not boyfriend but it dose not mean I can't worry about you" Andy rubbed his arm "okay but I need to go and help" Andy ran towards the team about to enter. "Vic" Jackson yelled "what I need to go"- Vic "just please be careful"-Jackson "I got Miller I'm safe" she Said waking away. The team was inside the large 10 floor office building when they realized I was  going to take longer than expected to vent the roof I was to hard almost like cement. Jackson and Warren had no major cases on the PRT just a few burns so they were waiting outside for the team to come. BANG BOOM 💥 every one ducked but the explosion had stayed in side the. Vic and Dean, Travis and probe came running out all cover in soot and coughing" Jackson handed Vic a oxogen mask and asked if she was okay she nodded maya handed Travis and probe a oxogen mask and Ben handing Dean one. "You okay son" chief Dixon asked "fine dad" probe replied where Gibson and Herrera Sullivan asked. "I don't know" all four said at the same time " last thing I Remember is Andy yelling gasoline near fire the jack reaching for her but they were pulled apart by the explosion and then we all had to run out" said Vic
"Okay you guys are going to go back in and look for them" said maya "Warren and Jackson go check out the group of pregnant women a lot of them said they were in pain"-maya "copy captain"-Warren "CAPTAIN" yelled Ben "what up" said maya "most of these women are having pain we should call OBs from grey-Sloan  on come scene"-Warren " okay Warren do what you have to Andy and jack are still not out and now the rest of the team in their"-said maya "what do you need help" -Ben "no its fine just help these women"-Ben "okay"....... the team was still inside looking when they all came out "we can't find them maya" said Travis "okay go get some oxogen we will send in another station to look"-said maya "copy caption" they all said maya had station 18 go in and continue looking. DR, dulca arrived with her OB team. Carina went over to maya who was pacing outside the building "hey" said carina in her soft Italian voice "hey" said maya also soft but sad "are you okay"-carina "NO my best friend and ex lover are inside that building and we can't find them" carina stood their for a second "oh I'm sorry" maya said talking about the comment about ex lover "no no it's okay you are still friends with him I understand just breath"-carina "thank you" said maya "captains Bishop" came over the radio "copy" said maya "we still can't fine them" "keep searching" maya yelled into the radio "copy captain" came back over . Bishop have we found them yet asked Sullivan no sir stated maya. Okay I'm going in said Sullivan. What said maya are you crazy said maya bishop you can call me crazy or you can come and look for them with me said Sullivan fine I'm coming too. Good luck yelled carina maya looked back and gave her a small smile. Bishop and Sullivan got in the door way I will go left you go right said Sullivan copy sir stated maya. ANDY Sullivan called out JACK maya called out. Sullivan saw Andy laying i the corner "hey" said Sullivan "did you come in Alone" asked Andy " no bishop is over their looking for jack" " oh good I was going to yell at you" Andy tried to joke.... Jack get up come on "maya" jack said ya it's me come on let's get out of here maya said. Maya and jack got out the building first hooked together helping each other walk and Sullivan and Andy doing the same right behind them. They all unhooked as everyone came over handing the oxogen. Andy jack and maya rode back in the rig Ben and Jackson in the PRT and Travis Miller and probe in the engine as Sullivan went back in his car when they got back to the station everyone was in the kitchen but Andy saw Robert run off to one of the bunks she followed and locked the door behind her when she walked in."hey are you okay" Andy asked "yes no" said Robert about cry "hey hey it's okay what wrong" Andy said going to sit on the bed next to him and hug him. "I did not wanna lose you today I scared me" he said Andy never really saw him like this "hey it's okay I'm right here you wanna go home" Andy said "yes" said Robert.
The next chapter is going to be a if/then someone requested and I think it was a great idea so that's what the next chapter is going to be I'm hoping to post it later today. And quick question do want Jackson and Vic as a couple or Dean and Vic I kinda want Dean and Vic leave in the comments what you want 😊

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