"I'm sorry Jisung... you wouldn't be in pain right now if it wasn't for me... I'm sorry... all of this is my fault..." He uncontrollably let some tears fall as he softly spoke to the sleeping boy in front of him.


~ two days later ~

It was a few days later and Minho was passed out on the chair right beside the hospital bed. The afternoon sun peeked through the blinds and gleamed into Jisung's eyes causing him to flutter his eyes open.

He felt slight pain in his stomach where his wound was but he brushed it off and letting his eyes adjust to the light.

His vision was more clear and he turned his head noticing a familiar face right by the bed sound asleep.

He gave a small smile towards the sleeping older boy. His heart began to flutter seeing the older boy's familiar face.

After a few moments Minho slowly began to wake up and opening his eyes.

"Jisung, your awake." Minho tried to keep his voice down as he was excited to see the younger awake. "How are you feeling?"

"Still kinda hurts but I can manage." Jisung attempts to sit up but winces at a sharp pain.

"You need to lie down." The older gets up from his seat, worried about the younger tearing his stitches open.

"I'm fine, I just want a hug hyung." Jisung pulls the older into a hug, feeling the warmth of the older he missed.

The older lets out a slight chuckle then raps his arms around the fragile boy. Minho squeezes him a little tighter but not to tight as he was afraid if the younger would leave him. Afraid anything happening to him again.

"Minho?" Jisung heard quiet sniffles coming from the older.

He tried to pull away but Minho pulled him back into the hug as tears spilled out of the corners of his eyes.

"Minho, what's wrong?" Jisung then heard soft sobs coming from the older.

"I thought I was going to loose you... I was terrified I was going to loose you... your okay but still in pain. All of this was because of me... it's my fault you were taken, beaten, and shot... I'm sorry..." Minho's sobs were getting louder as the younger was listening with his heart aching.

The younger pulled away and looked Minho in the eyes.

"Don't blame yourself... none of this is your fault. If you have anyone to blame it's Sunmi. You did nothing wrong." Jisung hated how the older kept blaming himself.

"Everyone keeps telling me that but in reality.. it is my fault. I should've never gotten myself into those gangs back then. I should've never gotten to close to you but, I was selfish and wanted to feel that care and love that I've never got from my family. Then I started getting feelings for you and now your hurt in a hospital... I never wanted to see you hurt.." Minho couldn't control his tears from falling, he's never liked people seeing him cry but when it came to Jisung he couldn't control his tears.

"Listen you always give me lectures anytime I tear myself down but now it's my turn." He grabs both of Minho's hands and rubs his thumbs in circles on the older's hands.

"Don't put the blame on yourself, yeah you may have done things you regretted in the past but that doesn't make this situation your fault. Once you told me about your past I told you I would never leave you. I wasn't going to leave you even if you continued to push me away. I knew things weren't going to be easy and I continued to stay because I didn't want to loose you either. So we can't be blaming ourselves because we didn't want to leave each other. We just got unlucky to deal with some psycho hoe. Just know this isn't you fault." Jisung leaned in and planted a soft kiss on the older's lips.

Minho joined in the kiss, missing the touch of his lips pressed against his.

The younger pulled away beaming a smile to Minho. "I love you Minho."

"I love you too baby." The older's heart did flips as he heard those words come out of his boyfriend's mouth.

They pecked each other's lips one more time then pressing their forehead up against each other.

"Thank you Jisung. I missed you so much.." Minho smiles and leans away beaming his smile.

"I missed you too. Also I'm sorry for our fight before this mess. I was just acting dumb and should've known better." The younger's smile fell as he looked away.

"That's okay. Couples fight all the time, we just need to learn to talk it out." Minho ruffles the younger's hair causing him to giggle.

The older gazed at Jisung's smile, he thought his smile was beautiful.

"Minho I brought you some lu-." Jisung's mother walks into the room unknowingly her son was awake. "Jisung! You're awake!"

His mother came in and gave her son an embracing hug but still being delicate.

"Hi mom." Jisung beamed a smile towards his mother's way.

"I should've gotten you some food to eat but I didn't think you would be awake. I'll go get you some but I should probably tell you now." Jisung noticed how nervous his mom was acting which worried him a bit.

"What is it?"

"Your father wants to meet you."


I swear I'm so bored in quarantine I keep rearranging my posters for like the tenth time these past few weeks. Idk I'm just weird like that.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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