106: ... What?!

Author: I was also shocked when I saw it, but it probably has an answer, so everyone in the smart group will try to answer that.

035: True, but it contains a grammar mistake. It should be "Is what a microphone", and instead of "what" should be "something"

049: I disagree. Microphone can be "what", but not every"what" is a microphone.

073: I agree with 049.

990: False. It should be: What is a pronoun.

2599: True.

Dr Ellie: I agree with 990.

Author: *Talks with 5205* Yea, that makes sense.

5205: Of course it does!

Author: Ok, we have got our answer.

2599: And your answer is...?

Author: The answer is undefined, and the question was made as a joke, so both answers are correct or both answers are false.

682-1: *Doesn't want to leave*

5205: ... Fine, we won't answer that, because we don't want another fight.

682-1: No, you can answer that, I will gladly listen and express my opinion.

5205: And that's why we won't answer that.

079: They used a special virus, which destroyed me in their security system.

049: Maybe 150 years.

5205: That's a hard question. Definitely 5205 from another Multiverse, he was hard to defeat, after that my depression, Scarlet King and then two other destroyers, whos names are too hard to pronounce.


Great Dane: *Approaches 049 and starts licking him, because he is a puppy*

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Great Dane: *Approaches 049 and starts licking him, because he is a puppy*

049: Yes, he is perfect, thank you. I will call him Bob.

953: *Turns into a fox and jumps on Author's laps* Save me from that!

Bob: *Comes to the Author*

Author: *Pets Bob* You don't have to be afraid 953, he won't hurt you.

953: I don't trust him!

953: I don't trust him!

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