Donnie x Sassy! Reader

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Requested by: koalaprincess123
Edited 11/15/21

Requested by: koalaprincess123 💜💜💜Edited 11/15/21

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Fluff 💕☁️✨

Y/N was on her way to see the turtle brothers. April couldn't come cause she had some errands to run. Y/N is the type to talk back, ya know, the sassy type. She would tell people what they did wrong and tell them what they should've really done.

Y/N has a certain crush on a soft shell turtle, Donnie. She tried not to show it off in front of him. They only people who know that is Leo (believe it or not) and April. April tends to help her how to tell him, but Leo.... he just teases her about it, and to top it all of he tells her his one liners so that she could tell them off to Donnie! Yeah....that's not gonna happen.

Donnie has a little crush on Y/N but he tends to ignore it so that it doesn't get to him and his inventions. So that's at least one reason why he stays cooped up in his lab.


Y/N finally made it to the lair where she meets Raph digging through the fridge, possibly trying to find some pizza.

"Hey Raph. It's good to see you, is Donnie in his lab as usual?" Y/N asked calmly like she doesn't care about anything else. "Yup...ya know he's kinda been shutting out from everybody...including April. If you talk to him, can you get him to explain why?" He Asked

"Sure. I respect you, so why not." She said, then smiled nicely at Raph. "Thanks, Y/N!" Raph said Happily. She started walking away from him,while talking "No problem, Raph."

A little while later Y/N made it to Donnie's lab. She silently let herself in without caring. "Heya Donnie, how are you today?" She asked them went to sit down in a empty chair. "Oh! Greetings Y/N! I'm just doing an invention, just the usual." "Of course you are, hey,,what if I help you? I-I mean I came here to see you." She said with a bit of giddy

"Well your not one of the best minded ones so yes, you can help." He said softly. So it on, they had conversations while
Y/N helps out Donnie with more than one invention. Sometimes it would get quiet but they like it like that. Sometimes they would accidentally touch eachother and it gets both of them blushing.

💜A few hours later💜

After all of that, Y/N and Donnie was both tired, Donnie was still working though, but Y/N was thinking about leaving but she remembered what Raph asked her earlier.

❤️"Ya know he's been kinda shutting out from everybody...including April. If you talk to him, can you get him to explain why?" He asked ❤️

"...Hey Don? I got something I wanna ask real quick.." she said quietly for him to hear. "What is it N/N?" He asked still working.

"Raph asked me to ask you...why are you shutting down from everybody? Did we do something wrong? If we did, it's probably nothing" she said calmly but worryingly. After she said all of that Donnie stopped what he was doing and dropped what he doing onto the lab desk.

"....To get my mind off of y-you." He slowly said and he started blushing. Y/N noticed it and she started blushing also. "W-Wha??!!" "Well, ya see N/N... I have a uh,,romantic connection for you for a while now actually... I was too afraid to come clean and tell you, so I stayed in my lab and made inventions so that I could get my mind off you, but it hasn't really gone well." He said looking at me with his red and blue contacts.

Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Her crush, confessed to her? You. She was so happy when she heard Donnie explain. She smiled sheepishly. "I have a crush on you too! I've been wanting to tell you for so long! I too was also nervous, I think that's why I've been more sassy lately," She looked away from him blushing hard.

Donnie slowly reached up and touched her cheek. She slowly looks back at Donnie, they both had the eyes of love. "M-May I?" Donnie asked. She smiles and nods, they slowly leaned in and kissed, them both having noticeable blushes on them

They both were enjoying their presence.

As they were kissing, Leo walked pass the lab, not caring, but then he quickly scurried back to see them kissing. He gagged at what he is seeing in front of him, before things get heated, he interrupted them.

"Ugh, I cant unsee what I'm seeing-!" He yelled disgustingly. They both stopped and looked at Leo in a surprised- angry way. "LEO!!" "OKOK SORRY!!" Leo quickly ran away for them to have some time alone again. They've been quiet for the past 5 mins, trying to figure out what just happened.

"S-So uh-! Does this make it official..?" Y/N asked quiet enough for Donnie to hear, looking at him.

"Hehe..D-Do you uh...wanna?" He chuckled nervously and asked her,looking at her.

"I'd call it official." She got up from her chair and sat on Donnie's lap, laying her head on one of his shoulders, cuddling him. Donnie tensed up a little but soon felt good with her warm touch. He smiled a little and kissed her forehead.

"I'd love to call it official." he said lovingly,gently putting his head on top of her head, enjoying the silence with his now girlfriend.

1007 words
Walks in like I haven't died in two years
:] gehehegege hola yes I am still here dw
——— 2020 ⬇️
OMG IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! IM ALSO SORRY FOR NOT MAKING READER SASSY!! I don't really know how to make ppl sassy that much. I promise you I did look it up like multiple times. Thanks for reading this! ✨💛🧡 baii!

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