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Izu's POV

SCHICBS! I hear as I feel pain on my shoulders, I looked at my back and saw...blood.

A girl in a uniform stabbed me, and before the others can go to me, a black mist appeared behing my back and the girl grabbed me by the hair and threw me in.

Then I looked at my surrounding and I'm on a some sort of bar. Then black mist surrounded the area and the guy with blue hair, hands covering his body came in.

Followed by a guy wuth stitched all over his face and body that kinda reminded me of Todoroki in a wierd way.

Then the black mist guy came in and put quirk cancelling cuffs on me. And tied me down to a chair.

A guy with rainbow hair and blood dripping from his hands came in and said "Shigaraki did you get him?"

Then Handjob said "Yes, he's tied down to the chair". 'Shigaraki is his name huh' I thought.

"Now let's see what they're up to" Shigaraki said and the Rainbow-haired dude nodded and his eyes started to glow.

As it glowed, a projection came in to see Todoroki and Momo......kissing?

"What The Fuck!?" I yelled, tears streaming down my face, seeing them kiss hurts more than the stab in my shoulder.

"Make It Stop! Please!" I said and he nodded and it stopped.


It's been three days and I'm still kidnapped, they only give me food once on the first day they kidnapped me and then they never gave me anymore.

I'm starving now, I feel like I'm about to lose conciousness any second, my stomach hurts so much.

Atleast they patched up the stab wound in my shoulder.

"Shit! They're here" I heat Shigaraki say.

'Who's here' I thought.

"What about Midoriya?" The girl in uniform said.

"Just leave him, come on, let's run before we get caught" Shigaraki said.

'Are the heroes here to save me?" I thought.

The a loud crash was heard. And it was All Might and Midnight.

"Midoriya is that you?!" All Might said.

I only nodded, because there's dict tape on my face. He came closer to me and pulled the duct tape gaining a pant from me.

"Thank you so much, for saving me" I said tear in my face.

"Come on let's get you to your dorm" Midnight said.

Time Skip to the Doooorrrrmmmmsssss

I was resting in my bed, after I ate then I hear a knock on mt door.

I got up to and unlocked the door, I opened it to see Todoroki.

I got excited for a mere second but I quickly remembered what he has done.

"Oh it's you" I said, then he slammed his Lips on mine, tears now streaming down his face.

I pushed him off me and rolled my eyes. "W-what? Why?" He asked confused.

"Don't why me you bitch! I know what you did with Momo!" I said.

"Y-you saw that!?" He asked, eyes widening.

"Yes, now go away befire I kill you" I said.

"P-please Midoriya let me explain, I-" He said byt I quickly cut him off by using my Telekenisis to make him levitate and I pushed in outisde my door and slammed it.

I broke down, my face hugging my knees, I was sobbing non stop then I hear Todoroki said "Please let me explain".

"I said GO AWAY" I yelled then my telekensis came over me a made the entire power of U.A go off.

Class 1-A's POV

"I think Todoroki should go" Kirishima said. They were debating on the Commom Area to who should go first to see Midoriya.

"Fine, the after him, it Me and Iida's turn" Uraraka said.

Todoroki the nodded and left to see Midoriya.

After minutes of waiting everyome heard Midoriya scream "GO AWAY!" which made the power go off.

"What the fuck? Did Midoriya do this?" Kaminari said, as he used his quirk to gain electricity back.

"Damn, if he can do that without control, just imagine what he can do with full control".

"But why did Midoriya screamed though?" Uraraka asked, then the elevator pinged and everyone's eyes shot up.

It was Todoroki.....crying, the first time we ever saw him cry.

A/N : By the way everyone is in the common room except for Momo, she's sleeping.

And thank you so much for a 100 reads! 😘💕✨

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