Dimension Bounce

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Quirk: Dimension Bounce

User can summon different bouncy balls with different colors and patterns each representing a different dimension. The user can enter and forcefully enter anything including themselves into the dimension of their choice in several different ways such as:

1. User bounces a ball with one hand and must catch it with the other to enter

2. User throws with one hand, lets it bounce at least once, and the person who caught it with the opposing hand may enter

3. The user can forcefully make someone enter a dimension by saying an eight letter word that starts with the letter H and hit them with the ball. The ball always comes back to the user afterwards.

4. The person who has the ball is the only person who can use it to get in and out of said dimension 

If you are traveling into a dimension with multiple people you must be touching each other in some way, shape, or form. Otherwise, even though you are both entering the same dimension, each person will be separated by at least 10 miles away.

Even though one ball from a dimension is in use, the user may summon multiple at the same time. 



Weak body


(People who are not uses to the transportation within dimensions may be feeling nausea and weakness of the body, especially those who have motion sickness)

Could be stuck in a world between worlds, but the user can easily get you in and out if they happen to find you in that mess of a place.

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