Chapter 14

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In Aizawa's POV

The moment (Y/n) went to go to bed, I stayed out on the balcony for a while more... thinking about her confession. I had always kinda had a hunch that maybe she did have some feelings towards me, but she was also like that to everyone; nice, supportive, and... very stupid at times. I had always only thought of her as a close friend- my closest friend up until a few days ago... Now she's actually revealed her feelings for me... and...

I couldn't think straight.

I walked into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.

Walking back out to the balcony, I leaned against the metal railing while I sipped the black coffee in my mug.

Okay, Shouta, think rationally... like you always have. Pros, (Y/n) is your best friend, and you could have an easier relationship since all the awkward stuff of first getting to know each other is out of the way already, you don't have to worry about moving in together since you already live with her, you can still make stupid jokes with her knowing she won't be offended as easily, and you wouldn't have to worry about cheating... hopefully. Cons, she's your best friend. That could make the friend group super awkward if anything were to happen... She could prioritize my safety over civilians on missions or on patrol...

There were more pros than cons on the list... but... I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she actually liked me. I mean, what was there to even like about me? I'm a guy who's a teacher in his early 30's who's only friends are loud people and a cat.

Around 4AM, I had finished my coffee long-ago, and my body had finally decided to shut down. ... on the couch.

Later that morning, I was woken up by Mochi licking my cheek.

"Meow~" purred Mochi as he tilted his head to the left.

"Hey Mochi... thanks for being the cutest alarm clock ever," I chuckled softly, scratching the tom underneath his chin.

Looking to my right, I saw Mirio and Eri at the dining table all dressed up, but no sign of (Y/n).

"Morning, you two, where's (Y/n)?" I asked as I got up from the couch, heading towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, Aizawa-Sensei! I think (Y/n)-Sensei is in her room." said Mirio as he waved enthusiastically.

"Right... thanks... Uh, what's the occasion? You two going somewhere today?"

"I was gonna take Eri-Chan here to the aquarium today!" explained Mirio as he scratched the back of his head, a big smile apparent on his face.

"I hope we find a big fish...!" exclaimed Eri as she made a large fish shape with her arms.

"Good luck you two, have fun." I said as I ruffled up Eri's hair a bit.

After greeting Eri and Mirio, I walked down the short hallway that led to (Y/n)'s room. Knocking on the door, I heard a small "Come in." Upon opening the door, I saw (Y/n) pulling her (f/c) hoodie over her (s/f/c) shirt.

"Almost ready for school?" I asked as I leaned against the wall for support.

"Yep...!" she said, pulling the excess hair out of the hoodie. She looked me up and down. "Unlike a certain someone here."

"Oh ha-ha, very funny. I'll only take like ten minutes to get ready. Be patient, would you?" I said sarcastically, taking pressure off of the wall as I turned to leave the room.

"Hey, Shou?"

I turned around.


(Y/n) looked like she was gonna say something but hesitated.

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