late valentine's thing :0

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A/n: this is nothing to do with the main story; enjoy luv ✌

Ah. Valentine's. ... ugh. It was kinda gross seeing all the couples around U.A. get all lovey-dovey with each other when it was break time. I swear, the only thing that I was excited about valentine's was the fact that my family and Shou's family would get together and make treats or whatever.

As I walked up to the cashier, I said, "Could I have a melon pan-"

"I'LL HAVE THAT MELON PAN PLEASE!" yelled someone from behind me.

When I turned around, it was just another student; looked like he was a year above me. Welp, I guess I'll just get a drink from the vending machine and hope for the best... I chose (f/d) and walked back to classroom 2-A. Upon entering the classroom, I saw Shou, Shirakumo, and Yamada sitting towards the back of the room, chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey guys," I said, pulling up a desk next to Shou.

"Hey (Y/n)!" said Shirakumo and Yamada, both of them having bright smiles on their faces.

Shou only nodded and went back to nibbling on his bread. He looked over at me and asked, "Hey, I thought you said you were gonna get bread?"

"I was... but some upperclassmen took the last one that I liked so I decided to just get a drink." I explained, cracking open the can of (f/d).

A moment later and I saw a package of fresh melon pan in front of me.

"I bought an extra one at the convenience store the other day, just in case something like this ever happened. You're welcome, idiot." said Shou, averting his gaze and continuing to stare outside the window.

"Ooh~! Looks like Aizawa Shouta likes (Y/n)~" teased Yamada, nudging the tired student's elbow.

"Shut it." was all Shou said before he activated his quirk on Yamada.

"Anyway... thanks for the bread, Shou. I owe you one." I smiled, patting him on the back.


The school day ended and Shou and I were walking back home.

"Did anyone give you chocolates, Shou?" I asked.

"No... Why would they anyway? I'm pretty sure only a handful of students at U.A. even know of my existence." said Shou, scratching the top of his head. "What about you?"

"What? Me?! Pff, as if. My situation's basically the same as yours." I replied.

We walked in silence for a bit before Shou asked, "Hey, wanna stop by the arcade for a bit? I don't feel like heading home just yet."

"But... what about our parents? Won't they get worried?"

"It'll be fine... We both have quirks, and as long as they know that we're together, it'll be just fine."

"Hmm... then, I guess it's okay... I've been meaning to blow off some steam from this week too anyways... Alright! Let's go to the arcade!" I said, grabbing ahold of my best friend's hand.


Once arriving at the arcade, there were couples upon couples holding hands and laughing all around the place. With how I was still holding onto Shou's hand, it seemed like we were just another couple.

"Do you want me to... let go?" I asked, my face starting to heat up.

"It"s probably better if you don't. I wouldn't want you getting lost in here." said Shou, slightly tightening his grip on my hand. I swear I thought my heart skipped a beat.

As we were roaming around the building, there weren't a lot of stalls that caught our attention... until we came upon The Claw Machine. Inside it was sitting a beautiful (f/c) (cat/dog) plushie that looked so squishy and fluffy and- ihadtohaveit.

"Shou, do you think we could stop by that claw machine over there?" I asked, tugging on my friend's uniform sleeve like a little kid asking their mom for candy.

"Yeah, sure, why not." shrugged Shou.

I inserted 100 yen into the slot and decided to shoot my shot. I ended up pulling too quickly and ended up with nothing...

"Move aside..."


Shou inserted 100 yen into the slot and looked at me.

"You wanted the (dog/cat) plushie in the middle right?" asked Shou, a puzzled look on his face.


He looked so concentrated for what felt like a millennia until...


The (f/c) (dog/cat) plushie was out of the claw machine. Shou picked up the plushie and handed it to me.

"Happy valentine's, I guess." said Shou.

I smiled at him and then hugged him.

"Thanks for getting me the plush, Shou." I said, a splash of pink rushing to my cheeks.


15-16 years later...

"(Y/n), how long are you gonna keep sleeping with that stupid stuffed animal?" asked Shou as he sipped his coffee.

"It's not stupid- you were the one who got me the little munchkin in the first place all those years ago." I replied, sticking my tongue out at the teacher.

"Whatever..." said Shou, rolling his eyes.

"Happy valentine's, jerk..." I chuckled under my breath as I got my shoes on.

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