Katy walked in line, now understanding why Isabel had been hostile to her. She was ashamed of her own behavior, acting as if they did not exist. None of this was their fault. Isabel and Anne had not ordered Edward to be held, the Queen's family murdered, or Thomas' imprisonment. She felt she must speak to them, but did not know how without the Queen finding out. Elizabeth would view Katy's attempt to reconcile as a betrayal. Her heart was torn between those she had harmed and ones who expected her support.

"Lady Kathryn?" Katy snapped her head forward looking into the Queen's bright eyes.

"Yes, Mi'Lady?"

"You seem troubled," Elizabeth called sitting in a large chair. Katy said nothing but noticed Anne and Isabel shying away from the group, as they normally do. Katy forced a smile.

"Simply thinking, Mi'Lady. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Does the Duke of Gloucester preoccupy your thoughts?"

"His Grace has been extremely kind to me. He has invited me for a ride, though I am unsure if I should join him." It was easier for Katy to lie in this moment and she forced another smile. The other ladies giggled, except for Anne and Isabel. Anne looked solemnly at the ground and Isabel rested her hand on her stomach, looking coldly at Katy.

"Why you must! You are excused from service today."

"Thank you, your Grace." Katy quickly left the chambers and walked quickly toward Richard's chambers. She prayed he may be there, as she did not know where to look for him. Her hand hurt as she banged and she sighed.

"He is not here. I sent him and George on a hunt, to restore their friendship."

"Your Grace," Katy curtseyed to Edward. "I am sorry."

"Is there something I may be able to help you with?" Edward flashed a large grin at the young lady.

"I have lied to your wife," she shook her head. "I told her your brother had invited me for a ride and that was why I was preoccupied. Truthfully, I was looking for him to maintain my lie." Edward looked over her shoulder and his surroundings. He moved past her, "I am not a great lady to her Grace," Katy whispered.

"Come with me." Katy's heart sank as Edward moved back toward Elizabeth's chamber. She sulked and followed him, her heart beating quicker. She would surely be chastised for this, and needed to confess her sin. Edward continued walking, but passed the Queen's chambers without sending Katy in. "You may walk with me, Lady Kathryn." Katy scurried to his side and looked at him confused.

"I do not understand, your Grace."

"Am I a suitable substitute for my brother?" He questioned, smiling at her. "If you wish to remove yourself from court, you need only ask." Relief washed over her and Edward quickly had his stallion and Morgan brought out. His white coat shone in the winter day, in contrast to Morgan's roan. Katy adjusted her thick cloak as she mounted Morgan.

Katy followed closely behind as Edward maneuvered through the thick trees. The ground crunched beneath the cantering horses. Katy could not help but laugh and Edward joined in. They were the only two people in the forest and rode until there was an open field. Morgan's warm breath materialized in the cold air as Katy stopped and looked over the frost covered ground.

"You are quite the horsewomen," Edward commented, stopping next to her. "What has preoccupied you?" He dug.

"May I speak freely?" Edward nodded, looking into Katy's eyes. "How do you find it easy to forgive Lord Clarence and Warwick?" Edward was taken aback by the question. "I do not question your reasoning, but I am having a difficult time doing it myself. Lord Clarence does not believe in my maidenhood and regularly discusses his beliefs before others. And Lord Warwick has not found me in his favor." Edward said nothing and looked over the field. "I confess, I am having the hardest time with Lady Isabel and Lady Anne. I do not believe they had any prior knowledge and simply did as they were told."

"Would you marry my enemy, Katy?" Katy shook her head no, unsure what Edward would ask of her next. "Why?"

"You have pardoned my father. My family would have been nothing without your kindness and mercy."

"Do you remember what I asked of you?"

"To become a ward of your court. Prepare to marry an Irish lord, one loyal to you." Edward nodded.

"George was the favorite and he knew that. He and Thomas had discussed the proposal in detail. Truthfully, I was going to approve it that Christmas season. Until I spoke with you, and saw how Richard had matured." Katy looked at the ground, knowing she did not remember how she discussed Richard. "You spoke with such passion about the accident, and the anger you had for him. You vented your frustrations with how cocky he had become, even facing death." Edward paused and chuckled, "And then you told me how he had told you he loved you, and you did not say it back because of your duty. There have been many times you could've gone back to your family and done as you wanted, but you have stayed loyal to me." Edward paused and looked Katy in the eye, "If your family had asked for you to return, would you have?"

"No. We could've been tried with treason," Katy whispered.

"And there lies the difference between you and Isabel. You do not do as you are told, you do as you think is right. It is fairly impressive."

"How should I act towards them? Richard refuses to look in their direction and the Queen puts me ahead of them, though I should not be."

"I cannot answer that." Katy closed her eyes and stroked Morgan's neck. "You could wait till after her confinement to discuss this matter. I have given my blessing for them to return to Middleham in preparation for the birth of George's child. It may give Richard time to forgive George."

"Perhaps that would be best." Katy laughed gently. "I must admit, my head is much more level, your Grace." Morgan's ears stood tall and she toss her head, listening to her surroundings. She stomped her foot and huffed loudly.

"Is she alright?" Edward commented observing Morgan's behavior.

"Your brothers are near. She is rather fond of Richard's stallion and likes to be with him. This is a normal occurrence for me."

"And you have no trouble with her?" Katy shook her head and placed her hand on Morgan's neck. "I should like to see how you handle her." Katy lowered her head and tapped Morgan lightly. She moved quickly from a trot to a canter in the field. Even this far away, she watched Edward beam with admiration.

"Come on," Katy whispered as Morgan's speed increased. The frigid air rushed through her hair and stung her face. Katy could not help but smile, looking back at her King. Morgan climbed the small hill, back to him.

"If you were a man, I would've made you a commander in my army. She has never been an easy mare, yet gives you no disagreements." Katy smiled and looked over the field.

"She is extremely pleasant," Katy whispered as George rode out of the forest.

"Come now, Katy. We must return you," Edward called riding towards the palace. Katy turned to follow him, looking briefly over her shoulder to Richard emerging behind her. She rode quietly, listening to the approaching hoofbeats.

"Hello, brother!" Edward called, not looking back. George quickly rode with Edward, discussing the hunt and resolution him and Richard had reached. Katy looked forward, pretending not to notice the black horse approaching.

"I went looking for you," Katy playfully called. Richard's hand snatched her reins and he laughed.

"And now you have found me!"

"You must stop doing that to me," Katy laughed, trying to have him release his hand.

"You must learn not to let me." Richard waited til Edward and George were out of earshot, "And why were you looking for me?" He asked rather seriously. Katy smiled at his overt protection, contrast to his contrasty cocky demeanor.

"You need not trouble yourself. Your brother has given me sound advice." She and Richard rode together, as Katy explained her dilemma and how she used him to cover her occupied nature. Richard made light of the situation, laughing and teasing Katy.

"I confess, I do not believe George and I will go back to the way it was after this betrayal," Richard admitted. His own uncertainty gave Katy small hope.

"We must work together then. You with George, and I will show kindness to the Neville girls. Once your nephew is born. I could not forgive myself by putting Isabel under such stress currently."

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