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(Pic of outfit)
∞Alexa's POV∞

I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling at me to wake up "WAKE UP HIJA(daughter)" my mom said I groaned & got to of my comfy bed and remembered that it was the day of 8th grade promotion practice! So I went to my walk in closet & picked out my outfit:A New York tee , black skinny jeans , denim vest ,& my white converse😍 (a/n:converse & vans are lyfe)

I went to my bathroom & took a shower with my coconut shampoo & bodywash when I finished I blowdried my hair and straighten it. Then I changed into my cloths and put on mascara ,eyeliner & lip balm cuz I ain't caking my faces like those sluts I unplugged my blow dryer & straighter cuz it might get on fire not that , that has happened before (it didn't)

I grabbed my iPhone 5c blue💙 and went down stairs to EAT!¡ I went to the kitchen & saw that our butler was cooking. Oh did I forgot to mention were kinda of rich??¿¿ well we are.

"Hello miss.rozalyn how are you this morning?" He said while still cooking well damn *carter reynolds voice*
those he have eyes behind his head or something?¿

"I'm good ,happy that it's almost SUMMER!"i said yelling out 'summer' he just said 'awesome' nigga no
He served me some pancakes that I ate while listening to one direction cuz they are bae asf.😍💘

when I finished I called my best friend aka Rosie my sista from a different mister I pressed on Rosie's contact
'Rosie the bae💩💘'
*phone call*
"Hey Rosie " I said

"hey rose" she said

"when are u coming"

"I'm almost there gurll"

"hurry up your slower than a snail!"

"Bitch please calm da fuck down!"

"Ok hurry bye bish" she hanged up.wow That's just ruude I went upstairs and went to my closet and picked out of my collection of penny boards my purple one with green wheels💜💚 & went downstairs waiting for Rosie she takes forever gosh! I saw my mum in her office working on her papers i said to her "I'm leaving to school" she replied with "okay hija tenja ùna bùneo dia (ok daughter have a great day)" "adios" & kissed her cheek

I waited outside w/ my penny board & iPod , iPhone while waiting for Rosie when I saw her & penny board we rided to the hell hole...oops I meant school "omg I'm so glad we just have practice for the promotion then leave"Rosie said "ugh IKR! Atleast one more day then SUMMER" me & her yelled summer together. Then laughed about it

*at school*

when we got there we went to the gym & practiced for the promotion which there was suppose to be a surprise singer there which I hoped was shawn mendes🙏❤️ Rosie & I were suppose to walk to get our pledge thingy and we did after that school finished for us so we went to my house asked my mom for money then we went to the mall to shop & look for dresses & shoes after that Rosie stayed the night and we had a movie night while taking selfies and uploading them to instagram & stalking famous people on twitter after that we went to sleep😴💤


This is the first chapter I will update mostly everyday after school if I can

Byeeeezzzz👋💕 till next time🙊😈

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