⚬ chapter sixty-one

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Hey doll," He says in a soft low voice. "Miss me?"

He brings his lips to mine, and I have to give him a light push back after a few seconds so it doesn't get too steamy in the middle of the hallway. "We're in the hallway. Let's not overdo it with the PDA, trouble."

He pulls his head back, but still remains close enough that our faces are only inches apart and I can see the light specks in his dark brown eyes. "Always a Mary," He says with a smile, shaking his head.

And you're always trouble.

"Mhmm," I murmur against my lips. "But not in private."

He bites his lip, tracing his fingers up and down my arm. "Don't I know it?" It takes everything within me not to pull him by the t-shirt and starting kissing him and running my fingers over his beautiful tanned and muscular body because he just always looks so sexy.

"You had quite a fun time in class today giving Mr. Clement a hard time."

"I thought you liked bad boys," He responds.

"Oh, I do. It actually was pretty hot," I say, moving a piece of hair off his face. "I love sappy Greyson, but bad boy Greyson does get me going sometimes too."

"Oh, yeah?" He asks, his eyes fixated on my lips and I can pretty much conclude exactly what is running through his mind right now. "Well, he can get you going back in my room right now if you want."

I lean my head back against the locker and make a pouty face. I wish. "I promised Ron I'd hang with her this afternoon. She needs to develop some photos in the art room so I thought I'd get some painting done anyway."

He makes his pouty face in return and it's almost cute enough for me to go back with him, but I feel like I haven't really hung out with Ron in a while. Not to mention, I need to make sure I'm keeping a balance and not being one of those girls that only hangs out with her boyfriend because I was that girl with Logan and I can't anymore. "I'm sorry, babe, but we can do homework later together or something."

"Your loss," He replies with a smile. "Can I at least walk you over? I have to grab a new journal anyway."

"No!" I say a little too quickly, causing him to raise his eyebrow in response. "I mean, not now. Not today. Go tomorrow."

"You hiding something?"

"No, well, yes actually," I explain, trying to find the right words. I'm making Greyson something for his birthday and I left it out to dry yesterday so if he comes with me, he'll see it. "It's just not ready for you to see yet."

"Oh, so you're making me something?" He asks with a smile and it makes me happy to see him excited about it. Our relationship has been running so smoothly ever since we made up a few weeks ago. It feels so normal, we feel so normal. Well, as normal as we could possibly be, but considering all the shit that's gone on since we first met, this is pretty fucking normal.

I smile, and kiss him briefly. "Got to go," I say brightly, slipping out from under him. I watch as he smiles at me and flashes me a wink and my heart just feels happy.

But for a brief moment as I'm walking away, I notice Vee staring at us from down the hall and I think about how she knows everything and how my life could blow up in a matter of seconds.

* * *

"Hey sexy mama," Ronnie says as I walk into the art room with two coffees in hand.

"Hey baby cakes," I respond, setting a coffee down by her on the table she's laid out some of her photos on.

I think back to a few weeks ago when Ronnie pointed out that Greyson and I call each other a thousand different nicknames and pet names and then proceeded to say sarcastically that she was jealous and wanted my attention. So now, every time we see each other, we call each other the most exaggerated and vomit worthy pet names. It's become so instinctive that we can do it without laughing anymore, but it took a while to get to that point.

Bad HabitsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon