'and please dont make my girlfriend mad' those 7 words kept repeating over and over in my head. After a while, it gave me a huge headache. Mackenzie walked in the room.

"Hey Maddie, we have to go. We're babysitting Brianna today."

"Wait. What? I thought that was tomorrow."

"It was, but Brianna's momma working schedule got changed this week so she said she had to work today because of it. SO, she's dropping Brianna here and then we can start doing the stuff she wants. Like going to go see Santa Claus, or shopping for new clothing, or maybe even-"

"Okay, Okay Mackenzie, I get it." I interrupted.  

"Okay, so she said she'll be here in about, I dont know, 15 minutes." Mackenzie said softly.

"Alright, I'll get pack up my dance stuff. We have to go back home because we both need a shower and we both need new clothes on our body."

"Alright I'll go pack my bag too. See you at the door in 5 minutes?"

"Yup." I agreed. Mackenzie ran off to get her dance bag ready. After she was done, she rushed back to me with her bag ready and set.

"Come on then" I said. I walked out the door to Aunty NeNe's car. And there was Brianna in the back seat in her car seat, eating a potato chip. Mackenzie and I giggled at her. She looked the same as always. Curly blonde and redish hair with her adorable round face. Her skinny body, showing her lines. She was very little though. She was liittle for her age. She was only 1 years old, turning 2 in Feburary. But still, she was very little.

Aunt NeNe dropped us at our house. We walked inside and Mackenzie was the first to take a shower. It was getting dark. I looked at my phone, which was charging up. 8:03pm. and i still had to take my shower.

"Mackenzie! Hurry up in there! Remeber we have to go take Brianna to go meet Santa! We have to be there by 9:00 but i want to get there early just incase the line is going to be long!" I yelled, pounding on the bathroom door.

"Alright! Alright!" Mackenzie came out fully dressed.

"Thank you." I said, shutting the door behind me. I let my towel drop as I smelled the lovely brightening scent in the air. As I got in the shower the hot water hit my skin, then drizzled down my chest, stomach, and legs. I brushed my hair back as it was soaked in water. This shower was helping me remove my bad headache from that line that Gino said and those bad memories. I was just finishing up my shower when Mackenzie knocked on my door.

"I need to brush my teeth."

"Hold on just a minute" I said, rushing myself to put on clothes, jewlery, and my pink boots. I wore a gray sweater with holiday legging and some pink boots. I left the bathroom and picked up Brianna. I put her red coat on her and her red hat and mittens.

"Come On Mackenzie! We're leaving you!"

"No wait!" Mackenzie ran down the stairs. She put on her boots and grabbed her phone as I was walking out of the door. I put Brianna in the car, the back seat of course. Mackenzie sat in the front. I know how to drive. I am 16 years old and I have my lisense. I got them early because I'm doing really well in school and I have smart knowledge and have common sense in my brain. After everyone was buckled and settled in, I drove to the mall. It was the most silent 30 minute drive i have ever had in my life; but I'm actually glad, because I got to think to myself for a while.

"We're here." I said, tired aleady. Mackenzie then carried Brianna into the mall. The red and green light shined acrossed the brick building. The golden lights inside the building shined exactly everywhere. Kids and parents giggling and having a great time. And there he was. Santa Claus. We walked over to see him yell his 'Ho, Ho, Ho'... We sat Brianna on him. She was kind of alittle uncomfortable.

"Ho, Ho, Ho... What do you want for Christmas little girl?" Santa looked at the little baby excitedly. Mackenzie jumped on Santa.

"I want a phone case, Justin Bieber's new album, a boyfriend, my hit album to become really famous, and then... I want-"

"Mackenzie!" I interrupted her for the second time today. I pulled her off as she took ahold of Brianna. Santa stared at me.

"Your turn little girl." He said.

"Oh, no. I'm not here for this, only the baby is. I'm not that person, plus I am too old and it will be embarrassing to have a 16 year old sit on Santa's lap and wish for something that's most likely not going to come true."

"Aww, dont think like that. Come on please! Come give Santa you list." Santa begged.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. I sat on his lap. I sighed again for like the 3rd time today.

"All I want for christmas is... To get someone special back in my life. I want to be with him forever."

"Madison?" Someone called my name in shock. I turned to see who it was. It was Gino.

"Gino?" I blushed.

*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

Alright guys! Hope you enjoyed! I will try to make another chapter tomorrow and hopely try to make a chapter every day! Remember to comment, follow, vote, and add this to your reading list! I would really appreciated! Thanks! Here's the question of the day for the story!

QOTD: What do you think is gonna happen next? What is Gino or Madison going to do?

Xoxo, RoyalDarkness_

Xoxo, RoyalDarkness_

I Can't Find The Words(Maddie Ziegler Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang