Chapter 122

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Jadens POV

I woke up, to someone throwing up in the bathroom.
I quickly got up, and Lexie was throwing up.
"Somebody's pregnatttt." I say.
"Just because I have morning sickness doesn't mean I'm pregnant." She says.
I frown.
"We're moving today!" I yelled, helping her up.
I clean her mouth and she gags.
"Oh fuck-" I say.
I frown.
"Are you ready for today?" I ask.
She nods.
"Yeah..I'm ready." She says.
"Yay because we're leaving in a few hours." I say.
I grab her hand and we walk downstairs.
"oH SIssY!" Chase yelled, running up to Lexie like a fucking child.
"DON'T KILL THE BABY!" I yelled, stepping in front of her.
"BABY?!" They all yelled.
"There is no baby-" Lexie says.
"Jaden your dick feels so good~!" Josh yelled.
"Pew pew."
Lexie shot him with some FiReEeE.
"OWIE!" He yelled.
"Is everybody packed up..?" Anthony asked.
"Yes." Cameron said.
"Very good buddy."
Anthont picked up the litrle dude.
"Cameron Reeves." Avani said.
"YESSSSS!" Anthony yelled, spinning him around.
"Ziah Reeves." He said.
"Ugh gorgeous."
"KIds ComE DowN!" I yelled.
Everybody ran downstairs, and Jordan ran up to us.
I rub the back of his head.

We all started saying our goodbyes.
"We'll visit.." Chase says.
"I WILLLLL!" He yelled.

The door swung open.
We all jump and turn around.
"ARE THEY GONE YET?!" Noen yelled.
"Nope-" I say.
"IM GONNA MISS YOUUUU!" He yelled, jumping in Lexies arms.
"AH!" She yelled.
"I'm gonna miss you too Noen." She said.
"Will we still play Minecraft Uncle Noen?" Jocelyn asked.
"Of course.." He says, kissing the top of her head.
"I love you guys." He says, hugging the rest of the guys, and the kids.
"BYE BYE!" Luna yelled.
We all walked out, and piled into the Range Rover.
"Daddy I'm hungry.." Jocelyn says.
"Can we get Chick Fil A?" Jessica asked.
"Chick fil a it is.." I say.
"WOOOO!" Luca yelled.
They all cheered.
Jessica was laughing, and smiling.
"Is that a smile?" Lexie says to her.
"Is hurricane Jessica finally over?" I ask.
"Yeah..this is gonna be a great new beginning. A FRESH START!" She yelled.
"Can your attitude get a new start too?" Luna said.
Lexie busted out laughing.
"Yes, it can." She says.
We arrive at Chick Fil A and all the kids get there food.
Anthony, Avani, Cameron and Ziah went in another car, and everybody else went in another.
"Here you are Luna." I say, passing her the food.
"Thank you!" They all yelled.
"YOUR WELCOMEE!" I yelled.
"Okay let's skrt skrt our of hereee." I say.


We left at was now 9:30.
I pull into the drive way, of our new home, and exhale.
The twins and Luna were asleep.
"We're here.." I whisper.
I get out, and carry the twins inside, and upstairs to their room.
I lay them down, and tuck them in.
"This place is bigger than I thought.." Lexie said, walking in with Luna, Jessica, and Jordan.
"Yeah I know..." I say.




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"Do you like it?" I ask JEsSiCa

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"Do you like it?" I ask JEsSiCa.
"I love it." She says, rubbing her eyes.
"Will you take your sister upstairs?" Lexie asked, giving Luna to her.
Lexie keeps looking around.
"Do you like it?🥺" I ask.
"I think it looks amazing Jaden." She says.
"I wanna take the kids out tomorrow, since all of our stuff burned in the fire." I say.
"Okay, I'll stay here." She says.
"You sure?" I ask.
She nods as we walk upstairs to our new room.
"Wow.." she says.
She runs to the closet.
"I can fit so many mini brands in here.." She says.
I smirk.
"You need to go to bed baby." I say.
"It's only 9:30.." she says.
"Still." I say.
Jordan jumps on the bed.
"Okay fine.." she says.
"Goodnight." I say.








"OH MY FUCK!" I yelled, sitting up.
I ran downstairs, and opened the door.
Anthony, Avani, Cameron and Ziah stood there.
"Hello my name is Anthony, welcome to the neighborhood." He says.
I roll my eyes.
"We made you brownies." Cameron said, holding a big box.
"Thank you bud." I say, taking them from him.
I give him and Ziah quick hugs.
"How did we do?" Avani asked.
I sigh.
"You sounded like an average white family but you brung brownies instead of a bowl of fruit-"
"That's so MeAn!" Ziah yelled.
"Don't take it to the heart." I say.
Luna skipped downstairs.
"Good morning family!" She yelled.
"You seem energized.." I say.
"I haven't slept so well.." she says.
"Okay, I'm taking you guys to the Mall, and to the store because we need food..because the kitchen is fucking empty, and all of over stuff burnt in the fire so..-"
"The house took my iPad with it.." she said.
"Don't worry mamas, your birthdays soon maybe you'll get a new iPad." I say.
"But you guys need to focus on school, you'll be starting in a few weeks." I say.
"It's not summer yet." Anthony says.
Ziah huffs.
The twins walk downstairs.
"Good morning.." I say.
"Good morning.." Luca says.
"Will you guys get ready? I'm taking you out todayyy." I say.
"I walked downstairs for nothing.." Jocelyn said.
I chuckle.
"I'll get you guys some food too." I say.
"BE READY IN A MINUTE!" They yelled.


All the kids were ready, and I decided to do a little daY In My lIfe video.
I turned on the camera.
"GOOOOOOOOOOD MORNINGGGG!" The kids and I yelled.
"goOd MoRNiNg!" Luna yelled.
"Hellooooo everybody..anybody..or nobody-" I whispered.
"And look at how nice our kitchen is." I say, turning the camera towards it.
"But sad thing is.." Jessica says.
"THERES NOTHING IN IT!" Luca yelled.
"So we're going to the grocery store..and the mall." I say.
"Because..some things burned in a fire but were not gonna talk about that." I say.
"ARE YOU READY KIDS?!" I yelled.
"YES CAPTAIN!" They yelled.
(I don't know what else to put or put "I yie captain I I don't know)


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