Chapter 109

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Ziah's POV
"Monse get on google hangouts!" I yelled.
"Where is that?!" She asked.
"On your chrome book!" I yelled.
"Why not on our phones?" She asked.
"Because my sister can see them!" I yelled.
"Uh okay.."
"Okay bye!" I yelled.
I leave my phone on the bed and run downstairs.
"Uncle Jaden!" I yelled.
"Yes..Ziah?" He said turning around.
"Can I have a party?" I ask.
"For what?"
"I just want a party.." I say.
"Ask your sister." He says.
"Go ask your Uncle-"
"Which one?"
"Uncle Bryce."
"Now go." He said, pushing me lightly.
I ran upstairs to Uncle Bryce's room and slam his door closed.
"What the hell?" He said.
I locked the door.
"Let's cut the shit." I say.
His eyes widened.
"Are helping me throw a secret party." I say.
"Ziah are you crazy?! Your sisters gonna kill me!" He yelled.
"Not if she doesn't find out.."
"Lexie and Uncle Jaden are takingLily, Juliana, Luke, Cameron, Jocelyn, Luca, and Jessica to Disney." I say.
"What about Luna.." he said.
"Uncle Griffin is coming back today and Luna wants to stay with him." I say.
"You..and Uncle Anthony are going to party city, Target, and the mall with me and my friend Monse."
"Monse?! Like On my block?!"
"SHUT UP!" I yelled.
He jumps.
We both ran downstairs.
"NO TIME TO TALK!" I yelled.
"Where are you guys going?" Lexie asked.
"NOWHERE!" Me and Uncle Bryce yelled.
I quickly run upstairs and grab my phone then we go to the car..


"MONSE!" I yelled, rushing out the car.
I bang on her front door, it quickly opens.
"AHH!" She yelled.
"That's anthony Reeves.."
"Yeah..that's my Uncle." I say.
"You have weird friends.."
"IM SORRY!" Uncle Bryce yelled.
"Okay Target first." I say.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Uncle Anthony mumbled.
"You do anything for me because I'm the favorite." I say, as we walk around the store.
"CANDY!" I yelled.
Monse and I start grabbing snacks, and putting them in the cart.
"Not paying for this.." Uncle Anthony said.
I look at Monse, and she looked back at me.
We both started to laugh, then Uncle Bryce started to laugh.
Monse and I looked at them with serious faces.
Uncle Bryce slowly stopped laughing.
"We're not fucking laughing." Monse says, as we both cross our arms.
Their eyes both widened.
We started walking around more.
"Hey weren't you and Anthony a thing?" She asked me.
Uncle Anthony's eyes widened again.
"Not you!" I yelled.
I turned back to Monse.
"Yeah we were a thing, but I broke up with him." I say.
"Are you inviting him to the party?" She asked.
"Absolutely not!" I yelled.

Jadens POV
"Kids are you ready?!" I yelled.
"I can't find my ears from the last time!" She yelled.
"It's okay I'll just buy you new ones."
"Ughhh." Lexie groaned.
"What's wrong baby?" I ask.
"I'm trying to find out what Ziah, Bryce, and Anthony are up too!" She yelled.
Her eyes turned black.
"Nothings working!" She yelled.
Her eyes turned black again.
"I SEE SOMETHING!" She yelled.
"WHAT?!" Josh yelled.
He shoved her, which made her eyes go normal again.
"JOSH!" I yelled.
"IM SORRY IM SORRY!" He yelled.
"Okay kids lets go!" I yelled.
"Listen boys." Lexie says.
"Luna is not a baby..she can fully speak and she will tell you when and what she wants. Here is a list of things she can have and the things she can not, if you DO NOT obey these rules you will be punished. Luna has her own person phone if she needs to contact me or Jaden, she will have this phone ALL TIMES you must not take it away from her." She said.
"What kind of punishment..?" Kio asked.
Her eyes turned black.
"YES MAM!" Him, and Josh yelled.
"And Griffin will be here soon."
Luna ran up to us and gave us a big hug.
"Bye mommy, bye daddy.." she said.
"Bye my sweet girl, be good okay?" Lexie says.
Luna nods.
I kiss her forehead.
"Be good princess." I say.
We all say bye..and walk out the door.

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