Scott and Stiles and ran off in a different direction inside the building to find Lydia. Allison had pulled back her bow and I raised my dagger, threatening. "Call them off," Allison demanded.

Mrs. Yukimura smirked at her. "You think you can take him alive? You think you can save him?"

"What if we can?" Kira stands in the middle with me, Isaac and Allison on either side of us.

"I tried something like it 70 years ago." Mrs. Yukimura informed us. "Your friend is gone."

"Are you sure?" Kira taunted, stepping forward. "Or if Stiles doesn't have to die. Maybe Rhys didn't have to die, either?"

The Oni's had whipped out their swords. Mrs. Yukimura gave Kira a slight smile. "I see I'm no longer the Fox now, Kira." Mrs. Yukimura admitted. "You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury."

The Oni's had disappeared causing my heart to pound. Suddenly, Mrs. Yukimura gasped. She held out her hand and opens her clenched hand, watching the firefly's disappear into thin air.

"Mum?" Kira questioned worriedly.

"What is that?" Isaac whispered. "What does that mean?"

"It means there's been a change in ownership," we all whipped around to see Void Stiles standing there with four Oni's behind him. "Now they belong to me."

They all draw out there swords. The fight had just begun, I used my dagger against an Oni's sword, the other's fighting their own battle with an Oni.

I tried to twirled around, trying to kick the Oni but he had swiftly moved back. I swing my dagger dangerously close to it, but it had blocked every swung I threw at them.

I bumped into Kira and cursed under my breath, we both had daggers. Two Oni's appeared in front of us, we kept fighting with them together.

I heard the sound of an arrow swoosh and I kicked the Oni in the gut making him stumble back. I looked at Isaac who had fallen onto the ground and was about to get stabbed by the Oni with a sword, but I had jumped in just in time and collided my dagger with his sword.

I heaved back the sword. Once our sword and dagger were apart from each other I had used all my strength to knock the Oni onot the ground with my dagger, which I successfully did and he falls to the ground; Isaac quickly moving out of the way.

"How do we stop them?" Isaac asked loudly.

"You can't!" Mrs. Yukimura yelled out, standing from the side.

I gasped when Isaac had gotten sliced in the stomach by an Oni's sword. The Oni's were cutting Isaac up and I tried to get involved but the Oni had pushed me onto the ground forcefully and I fell back with a groan.

I shuffled back onto my feet and watched as Allison had shot an arrow towards an Oni, the Oni had stopped and looked at Allison. The Oni had dropped the sword and I watched as it screeches, an green and yellow like light comes from his chest.

I flinched when the earth moves, causing the Oni that Allison had shot disappear. I gap, amazed. Allison had done it, she had killed the Oni.

I let out a scream in horror as I watched my cousin get a sword put through her by an Oni. My screaming slowly died down as Scott rushed to her and practically froze up as I dropped my dagger on the ground, hearing it fall.

The Oni draws back the sword before they all had disappeared. Scott catches Allison before she falls, my own legs felt like jelly and I collapsed as well. Scott holds her in his arms, Allison breath heavily in his arms. "Allison," Scott panics. "Allison,"

"Did you find her?" Allison whispered out, looking up at Scott. "Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?"

"Yeah," he carefully put the hair out from her pale face. "She's okay." Allison's had was bleeding from her wound she was holding. Scott placed a hand on hers. "I... I can't. I can't take your pain."

"It's because it doesn't hurt." She had whispered out, causing my heart to twist. Tears start to swell up in my eyes and I gulped, a huge lump felt like it was in my throat.

"No," Scott whispered in denial. I watched as tear slip from Allison's eye.

"It's okay," she whispered.

"Allison," Scott looked down at her, with so much pain.

Allison lets out a small whimper. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love." She lets out another whimper. "The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you. Scott... Scott McCall."

"Don't," Scott had to begin to sob, looking down at her. "Please, don't." I had let out a small sob but I covered my mouth, some tears rapidly going down my cheeks. "Allison don't, please."

"You have to tell my Dad," she begins rather hurriedly. "You have to tell my Dad, you have to tell him. Tell him..." She lets out her last few dying breaths, before being completely limp in Scott's arms and closed her eyes.

"No," Scott had sobbed out and I watched as her hand falls on the ground. I felt myself going jelly, my whole world felt like it was going to shut down.

Everything for me was blocked out, a ringing sound like was in my ear and I closed my eyes, letting my sob along with Scott. I had clutched to myself, the sobs were getting more painful.

"No!" I had let out a scream, it had echoed as I cried. Everything seemed to die down in silences, including my sobs somehow.

And in that moment, everything felt... Still.


This chapter kind of hurt to write. I didn't think it would hurt this much, I know some people hated Allison but I loved Allison. She was one of the best female characters in my opinion.

Poor Addison, she doesn't know what to do with herself.

This was painful to write, Addison has lost another family member. I don't know what else to say, lol, I'm literally speechless.

So, uh, love y'all and see you tomorrow!

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