Chapter 10

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Jason silently walked through the crowded halls aboard the Righteous Justice, his mind conflicted on an issue he had dealt with for ten years. He ruffled his hair, confused and angry. He knew he should fight, his new allies needed him now more than ever. His Master was right, he was afraid. Afraid of war and the pain that comes with it, and the possibility that he might fall to the dark side. But it didn't make any sense why he was having trouble overcoming this fear.

Jason continued to walk, not even paying attention to where he was going. All of a sudden he crashed head long into another person, sending them both sprawling across the metal floor.

"Sorry, wasn't watching where I was going." Jason apologized, heaving himself into a sitting position.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

Jason moved to help the officer up. Once on his feet, he was able to get a better look of the man.

"Keth!" Jason said, surprised to find his old friend in such a place, "what are you doing here?"

"Commanding this ship actually" he said with a smile, "it's good to see you Jason. Stang boy, you've grown up."

Jason returned the smile "it's good to see you too." Jason looked him up and down, noticing several pronounced changes in the man he knew, such as a the shaggy brown beard covering most of his lower face and a commander insignia pinned to his shoulder.

"So what have you been up to for the last ten years?" Keth asked, beginning to walk down the hall. Jason quickly fell into step.

"I...uh. I went into exile for a while." Jason said, avoiding Keth's eyes.

Keth looked at Jason, his eyes full of understanding, "I see. Did it have anything to do with... you know. What happened in the Outer rim?"

Jason nodded.

"In a way the same thing happened to me" said Keth, "I left the military for a few years to go to therapy. I'm glad to say it worked, because I was a wreck after her death." Jason easily understood who "her" was.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have saved her Keth." Jason blurted.

Keth gripped his shoulder, "Jason her death was something that couldn't have been prevented. In my two years of therapy I finally understood that death is a natural part of all life. And those we love never really leave us, so long as there's someone here to remember them."Jason was suddenly thinking of his sister. "I've accepted what has happened and I've tried to get on with my life, just as you should" said Keth.

Jason was surprised, "wait, did my Master talk to you?"

Keth winked at him, "maybe briefly. The thing is Jason everyone is worried about you. You keep living in the past, wondering what you could have done to change things. But you just can't seem to understand that you did all you could during the Guerrilla war and on Vespae. Jason what happened ten years ago on that world is practically history now. Listen, your teammates need you. You're a Jedi for force sake. Do what you do best and complete this mission, an entire war could be riding on it."

Keth stepped away from Jason, giving him one last fleeting glance before leaving him to himself. Jason watched his old friend walk down the hallway until he turned the corner and out of sight. He groaned in confusion, cupping his hands over his eyes.

Voices filled his head, telling him to do this and that. But through all of his mental confusion a lone voice cut through the rest, speaking reason; They all have a point Jason, the voice said, Keth, Helen, and Keelu all moved on, so stop feeling sorry for yourself you idiot and do what needs to be done!

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