Chapter 8 (The Scorch Trials)

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" Thomas asked the boy harshly.

"Who am I?" The boy asked. "Who are you?"

"Don't bloody mess around. There are a lot more of us than there are of you. Tell us who you are." Newt said.

"Fine. My name is Aris. What else do you want to know?"

"How'd you get here? Where's the girl who slept here last night?"

"Girl? What girl? I'm the only one here, and it's been that way since they put me here last night."

"There's a sign out there that says this is her room. Teresa . . . Agnes. No mention of a shank named Aris."

"Look, man, I don't know what you're talking about. They put me in here last night. I slept in that bed." He said, pointing to a bunk. "And I woke up about five minutes ago and took a pee. Never heard the name Teresa Agnes in my life. Sorry."

Thomas looked frustrated, but was slowly calming.

"Have you heard of a girl named Amy Martin?" I asked. He looked up at me.

"Actually, yeah. When they put me in here last night, they said that she was suppose to be here with me, but something happened and she was killed. Said she wasn't supposed to die." He said. It broke my heart to hear this from him.

We all knew it. She wasn't supposed to die.

--- ( skip to the Crank club scene. Thomas and Brenda have already been taken and Minho, Jorge and the orhers are coming to save them.)

We stood outside of the little club that these Cranks set up. The music was blasting through the whole shuck city. How could they have fun, knowing they're gonna die?

"So, what's our plan?" Newt asked.

"Okay, so I have a friend of mine that's in there. She's been undercover for a while now. She'll help us take down all the Cranks in there." Jorge said.

"Who's this friend?" I asked.

"Be patient muchacho. You'll meet her after we get the job done. So the plan is, when we walk in there, she'll see us, then when she's ready, she'll attack them, that's when we come in and attack. Then we tie everyone up as hostages and save Brenda and Thomas."

"Sounds bloody good enough to me." Newt said.

"Everyone ready?" Jorge asked. We all nodded. We walked throught the door and into the Crank club. They were all dancing and drinking. It smelled horrible in here.

"That girl right there is our girl." Jorge pointed out a girl wearing all black. She had on black pants, black boots, a black shirt that showed mist if her stomach, and a black hooded leather jacket.

She was dancing around to the music like everyone else. I couldn't catch a glimpse of her face through her long hair and hood.

She looked up from her spot and smirked before going back to dancing. Then out of nowhere she bent down and pulled out a long black stick out of her boot and started beating Cranks with it. She had dropped her stick at one point and decided to use her hands.

She was amazing, doing all kinds of tricks that I hadn't seen.

Then we came in to help. Taking down all the Cranks and tying them up.

Once we had finished I had wasted no time rushing into the room Thomas and Brenda were in. They were tied up in chairs.

"You guys look comfy." I said. He was shocked.

"" he said.

"We'd just found you. Did you think we were just going to let these bunch of shuck faces do anything to you? You owe me. Big time." I said, cutting the tape off.

"What do you mean you'd just found us?"

"Jorge's been leading us through the city, avoiding Cranks, finding food. Yesterday morning, we kind of spread out, spying here and there. Frypan was peeking around the corner into that alley up there just as those three shanks pulled a gun on you. He came back, we got mad, started planning our ambush. We of course had a little inside help. Most of those shucks were either wasted or asleep."

When we got back out, Jorge hand been standing and talking with that girl. She now had a bow and arrows on her back. Then Jorge looledr up at us.

"Muchachos I want you to meet our friend who helped us." He said. She slowly turned around and the whole room got quiet. No way.

"Amy?" I asked. She gave a fake smile.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." She smirked.

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