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Morning classes are a drag, and Hoseok would be lying if he said he wasn't thinking about the same familiar pinkette throughout the entire day. It's been driving him absolutely mad, and he hasn't listened to a single droning perfessor once. He tries to snap out of it, tries to gulp down that sugary cold coffee, tries to hold his breath and just focus, but nothing works. Jimin has officially plagued his mind and dreams, now he might be coming to the same damn college? This is far too much for Hoseok to handle, he just can't keep going on like this.

When classes are over, he decides to stop by the cafeteria and purchase a small protein bar to ease his aching stomach. At least, more than store bought instant ramen can.

Hoseok really hopes this pink-haired man is the same boy he's thinking about, because he's going to look like a complete idiot when he confronts him and it ends up not being Jimin. He goes outside, eyes fixated on seeing pink hair, a leather jacket, something. Hoseok starts walking in the direction he last saw the mystery figure, an involuntary anxiety creeping up his back and making him itch. He starts sweating when he gets closer, and he doesn't know why he's so nervous now, but he's not backing away. He needs to confirm his intuition.

A boy rounds the corner of the building, soft pink hair waving gently in the breeze with his head pointed down. Hoseok knows him, the plump lips, skinny nose, and strong jaw. It's him. He's here.

Hoseok takes a sharp intake of breath–alerting Jimin to pull his head up, and they finally look at each other, their eyes locking. Hoseok notices little differences in Jimin's appearance: his hair is slightly less disheveled than it usually is when he comes in the store, and he's not wearing his ordinary black leather jacket, just a simple white button up. Nevertheless, he's still just as gorgeous and right here. Hoseok can't believe it.

He sees Jimin slowly smile in realization.

"Hi Hoseok."

Hoseok smiles with him,

"Hi Jiminie."
When Jimin first saw Hoseok, he swore he'd seen an angel. Even in that convenience store uniform, he was absolutely ethereal. Hoseok had an elegant nose that sloped downward so prettily, with beautiful lips that had a sharp Cupid's bow and a little mole on the upper lip, finely plucked eyebrows, and two pairs of stunning big doe eyes that held the universe itself. He had honey, sun kissed skin that glowed so beautifully, and Jimin was stunned out of his wits. The boy was blushing, too, and he was just so cute and so beautiful Jimin was entranced on the spot. It seemed like Hoseok was pulling him towards him, like an invisible gravitational pull– like he was the sun pulling him into orbit, and Jimin wanted to be close to him so, so badly.

When he came back a week later and saw the sweet boy crying, he couldn't help but get so worried. Hoseok was far too pure to be sad in any way, shape or form at all. He was too beautiful, too bright. So, Jimin leaned in and wiped the little tear away. At first, Hoseok jolted and Jimin was afraid he did something wrong, until Hoseok smiled that gorgeous heart smile, and it melted all of Jimin's insecurities away. Jimin felt this overwhelming sense to protect this boy, to guard him from everything bad in life. To hold him close and kiss his tears away, to put every little piece that was broken from him and put him back together again.

When Jimin saw him right in front of him at the campus today, he thought nothing could get any better.

"Hi Jiminie." Hoseok says in that sweet tone, and Jimin has decided he's going to have this boy, no matter what.

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